Maximo Anywhere アプリから非永続 MBO を使用するにはどうすればよいですか。非永続的な mbo を追加/削除する必要があります。私は永続的な mbo を実行しました。ここでも同じアプローチですか、それとも異なりますか。サンプルも共有してください
1 に答える
You should be able to consume Non-Persistent MBOs through the OSLC layer, depending on your Maximo level (this was added in relatively recent versions of Maximo).
However for non-persistent attributes and objects, you have to explicitly "Include" them in the Include/Exclude fields dialog inside the Object structures application.
Make sure that you can export or import these Non-persistent fields through the OSLC layer directly before attempting to use them in Maximo Anywhere. Maximo Anywhere will consider them to be server-side/persistent attributes, and will not be aware that under the covers, the Maximo OSLC layer has implemented them as non-persistent attributes.