texts <- c("concratulations successfully signed company please find attached quick guide can t figure immediately ", " conversation laughing services sweden", "p please find attached drafted budget p ", "p please finad attached agenda today s board meeting p ", "p hi nbsp p p please find attached darft meeting minutes today s meeting p ", "p please find attached final version minutes updated action log please let know actions done ll update excel nbsp p ", "p hi p p please find attached draft meeting minutes action log please provide comments end next week p p nice spring party saturday p p tuija p ", " p welcome team priority hope enjoy yo p ", "p please find attached flyer can study share p ", "p attached new version voice receiver p p minor change request invitation code mentioned invitation code may tell check code invitation email end alarm bell example telling new comments ", "comment etc front page now seemed end without warning p ", "p memo attached actions p ", "p please find attached updated board roles responsibilities made changes red document please review especially role relevant contact info prepare comment meeting wednesday nbsp p ", "p attached documents review please comment soonest p ")
texts <- cbind(texts)
## to remove multi-white spaces
MyDf <- gsub("\\s+"," ",texts)
MyDf <- gsub("\r?\n|\r", " ", MyDf)
MyDf <- cbind(MyDf)
colnames(MyDf) <- c("Introduction")
n <- matrix(texts[ ,1 ], nrow = nrow(texts), ncol = ncol(texts))
breaker <- function(X) {
strsplit(X, "[[:space:]]|(?=[.!?])", perl=TRUE)
aaa <- breaker(n)
aaa <- cbind(aaa)
cSplit <- function(indt, splitCols, sep = ",", direction = "wide",
makeEqual = NULL, fixed = TRUE, drop = TRUE,
stripWhite = FALSE) {
message("`cSplit` is now part of the 'splitstackshape' package (V1.4.0)")
## requires data.table >= 1.8.11
if (!is.data.table(indt)) setDT(indt)
if (is.numeric(splitCols)) splitCols <- names(indt)[splitCols]
if (any(!vapply(indt[, splitCols, with = FALSE],
is.character, logical(1L)))) {
indt[, eval(splitCols) := lapply(.SD, as.character),
.SDcols = splitCols]
if (length(sep) == 1)
sep <- rep(sep, length(splitCols))
if (length(sep) != length(splitCols)) {
stop("Verify you have entered the correct number of sep")
if (isTRUE(stripWhite)) {
indt[, eval(splitCols) := mapply(function(x, y)
x, x, x), x, y),
sep, indt[, splitCols, with = FALSE],
X <- lapply(seq_along(splitCols), function(x) {
strsplit(indt[[splitCols[x]]], split = sep[x], fixed = fixed)
if (direction == "long") {
if (is.null(makeEqual)) {
IV <- function(x,y) if (identical(x,y)) TRUE else FALSE
makeEqual <- ifelse(Reduce(IV, rapply(X, length, how = "list")),
} else if (direction == "wide") {
if (!is.null(makeEqual)) {
if (!isTRUE(makeEqual)) {
message("makeEqual specified as FALSE but set to TRUE")
makeEqual <- TRUE
makeEqual <- TRUE
} else {
makeEqual <- TRUE
if (isTRUE(makeEqual)) {
SetUp <- lapply(seq_along(X), function(y) {
A <- vapply(X[[y]], length, 1L)
list(Mat = cbind(rep(seq_along(A), A), sequence(A)),
Val = unlist(X[[y]]))
Ncol <- max(unlist(lapply(SetUp, function(y) y[["Mat"]][, 2]),
use.names = FALSE))
X <- lapply(seq_along(SetUp), function(y) {
M <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow = nrow(indt), ncol = Ncol)
M[SetUp[[y]][["Mat"]]] <- SetUp[[y]][["Val"]]
if (direction == "wide") {
X <- lapply(seq_along(X), function(x) {
colnames(X[[x]]) <- paste(splitCols[x],
sep = "_")
if (isTRUE(drop)) {
cbind(indt, do.call(cbind, X))[, eval(splitCols) := NULL][]
} else {
cbind(indt, do.call(cbind, X))
} else {
indt <- indt[rep(sequence(nrow(indt)), each = Ncol)]
X <- lapply(X, function(y) as.vector(t(y)))
indt[, eval(splitCols) := lapply(X, unlist, use.names = FALSE)][]
} else {
Rep <- vapply(X[[1]], length, integer(1L))
indt <- indt[rep(sequence(nrow(indt)), Rep)]
indt[, eval(splitCols) := lapply(X, unlist, use.names = FALSE)][]
df <- cSplit(as.data.frame(aaa), "aaa", ",")
df <- data.frame(cbind(texts, df))
## Heading
Heading <- df[ ,1]
## Word Table
df <- df[ ,2:ncol(df)]
## first column
aaa_first <- df[,1]
aaa_first <- cbind(aaa_first)
c <- substring(aaa_first, 3)
## last column
aaa_end <- df[ ,ncol(df)]
aaa_end <- cbind(aaa_end)
e <- substr(aaa_end, 1, nchar(aaa_end)-1)
## Middole columns
d <- df[ ,3:ncol(df)-1]
cc <- cbind(Heading, c, d, e )
## cc <- cbind( c, d, e )
cc <- data.frame(lapply(cc, as.character), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2 <- as.data.frame(sapply(cc,gsub,pattern= ")",replacement=""))
# df2 <- as.data.frame(sapply(df2,gsub,pattern="(",replacement=""))
df3 <- as.data.frame(sapply(df2, function(x) gsub("\"", "", x)))