実行時にメモ帳をドライブのどこかにテキスト ドキュメントにダンプする実行可能ファイルを作成しようとしています。ファイルをスキャンしてキーワードを検出し、見つかった場合にエンド ユーザーに警告できるようにするため、これは重要です。
Private Const ProcessQueryInformation As Integer = &H400
Private Const ProcessVmRead As Integer = &H10
<DllImport("dbghelp", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError:=True)>
Private Shared Function MiniDumpWriteDump(
ByVal hProcess As SafeFileHandle,
ByVal processId As Int32,
ByVal hFile As SafeFileHandle,
ByVal dumpType As MinidumpType,
ByVal exceptionParam As IntPtr,
ByVal userStreamParam As IntPtr,
ByVal callbackParam As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
End Function
<DllImport("kernel32", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError:=True)>
Public Shared Function OpenProcess(
ByVal dwDesiredAccess As UInteger,
ByVal bInheritHandle As Boolean,
ByVal dwProcessId As Integer) As SafeFileHandle
End Function
Private Enum MinidumpType
MiniDumpNormal = 0
MiniDumpWithDataSegs = 1
MiniDumpWithFullMemory = 2
MiniDumpWithHandleData = 4
MiniDumpFilterMemory = 8
MiniDumpScanMemory = &H10
MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules = &H20
MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory = &H40
MiniDumpFilterModulePaths = &H80
MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData = &H100
MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory = &H200
MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData = &H400
MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo = &H800
MiniDumpWithThreadInfo = &H1000
MiniDumpWithCodeSegs = &H2000
MiniDumpWithoutAuxiliaryState = &H4000
MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState = &H8000
End Enum
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Get the process id.
Dim id As Integer = GetProcessId("notepad")
' Get the process handle from the id.
Dim hProcess As SafeFileHandle = Nothing ' We could define a SafeProcessHandle...
hProcess = OpenProcess(ProcessVmRead Or ProcessQueryInformation, False, id)
' Check result...
If hProcess Is Nothing Then
If Marshal.GetLastWin32Error = 0 Then
Throw New Win32Exception
End If
End If
Dim oneFileName As String = "C:\dump.txt"
Using oneFile As FileStream = New FileStream(oneFileName, FileMode.Create)
MiniDumpWriteDump(hProcess, id, oneFile.SafeFileHandle, MinidumpType.MiniDumpWithFullMemory,
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
End Using
If hProcess IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
Private Function GetProcessId(ByVal processName As String) As Integer
Dim id As Integer = -1
Dim processes() As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName)
If processes.Count = 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("Could not find the process specified", "processName")
id = processes(0).Id ' There could be many processes - we just grab the first.
For Each p As Process In processes
Return id
End Function
私の問題は、このコードを実行するたびに空白のテキスト ドキュメントが表示されることです。関数 MiniDumpWriteDump が false を返すことはわかっていますが、その理由がわかりません。それが私がここにいる理由です。