How do I apply a function to corresponding pixels of two images of the same resolution? Like Photoshop does when covering one layer with another one. What about more than two images?
If it was Wolfram Mathematica I would take a List of those images and transpose them to get a single "image" where each "pixel" would be an array of N pixels -- there I would apply a Mean[]
function to them.
But how do I do that with vips? There are so many Vips::Image methods and only here I could find some minimal description on what do they all mean. So for example:
images = Dir["shots/*"].map{ |i| Vips::Image.new_from_file(i) }
ims =
(ims.inject(:+) / ims.size).write_to_file "temp.png"
I wanted it to mean "calculating an average image" but I'm not sure what I've done here.