立方体グリッド上の密度値を含む nxnxn numpy 配列があります。密度マップの慣性主軸をグリッドのデカルト x、y、z 軸に合わせようとしています。これまでのところ、次のものがあります。

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

def center_rho(rho):
    """Move density map so its center of mass aligns with the center of the grid"""
    rhocom = np.array(ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(rho))
    gridcenter = np.array(rho.shape)/2.
    shift = gridcenter-rhocom
    rho = ndimage.interpolation.shift(rho,shift,order=1,mode='wrap')
    return rho

def inertia_tensor(rho,side):
    """Calculate the moment of inertia tensor for the given density map."""
    halfside = side/2.
    n = rho.shape[0]
    x_ = np.linspace(-halfside,halfside,n)
    x,y,z = np.meshgrid(x_,x_,x_,indexing='ij')
    Ixx = np.sum(rho*(y**2 + z**2))
    Iyy = np.sum(rho*(x**2 + z**2))
    Izz = np.sum(rho*(x**2 + y**2))
    Ixy = -np.sum(rho*x*y)
    Iyz = -np.sum(rho*y*z)
    Ixz = -np.sum(rho*x*z)
    I = np.array([[Ixx, Ixy, Ixz],
                  [Ixy, Iyy, Iyz],
                  [Ixz, Iyz, Izz]])
    return I

def principal_axes(I):
    """Calculate the principal inertia axes and order them in ascending order."""
    w,v = np.linalg.eigh(I)
    return w,v

#number of grid points along side
n = 10
#note n <= 3 produces unit eigenvectors, not sure why
#in practice, n typically between 10 and 50
rho = np.random.random(size=(n,n,n))
side = 1. #physical width of box, set to 1.0 for simplicity

rho = center_rho(rho)
I = inertia_tensor(rho,side)
PAw, PAv = principal_axes(I)

#print magnitude and direction of principal axes
print "Eigenvalues/eigenvectors before rotation:"
for i in range(3):
    print PAw[i], PAv[:,i]

#sanity check that I = R * D * R.T
#where R is the rotation matrix and D is the diagonalized matrix of eigenvalues
D = np.eye(3)*PAw
print np.allclose(np.dot(PAv,np.dot(D,PAv.T)),I)

#rotate rho to align principal axes with cartesian axes
newrho = ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(rho,PAv.T,order=1,mode='wrap')

#recalculate principal axes
newI = inertia_tensor(newrho,side)
newPAw, newPAv = principal_axes(newI)

#print magnitude and direction of new principal axes
print "Eigenvalues/eigenvectors before rotation:"
for i in range(3):
    print newPAw[i], newPAv[:,i]

ここでは、慣性テンソルの固有ベクトルが回転行列を定義すると仮定しています (これは、この質問とこの Web ページなどの Google の結果に基づいて正しいように見えますか?) しかし、これは正しい結果を与えません。


[1 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 1]


Eigenvalues/eigenvectors before rotation:
102.405523732 [-0.05954221 -0.8616362   0.5040216 ]
103.177395578 [-0.30020273  0.49699978  0.81416801]
104.175688943 [-0.95201526 -0.10283129 -0.288258  ]
Eigenvalues/eigenvectors after rotation:
104.414931478 [ 0.38786    -0.90425086  0.17859172]
104.731536038 [-0.74968553 -0.19676735  0.63186566]
106.151322662 [-0.53622405 -0.37896304 -0.75422197]



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