Assert-VerifiableMocks と Pester の Assert-MockCalled の違いは何ですか? 私は読んでいた

しかし、まだ疑問に思っています: コードの次のセクションは同等であり、交換可能ですか?

Assert-MockCalled の使用:

Mock Invoke-MongoCommmand {}
Set-TargetResource -UserName $test_username -Ensure "Absent"
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MongoCommand -ParameterFilter {
    $Expression -eq "db.dropUser('$test_username')"

Assert-VerifiableMocks の使用:

Mock Invoke-MongoCommand {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
    $Expression -eq "db.dropUser('$test_username')"
Set-TargetResource -UserName $test_username -Ensure "Absent"

2 に答える 2


の機能は、ばらばらなセットのAssert-VerifiableMocksサブセットではありません。多くのモックが同時に呼び出されていることを確認できますが、既に述べたように、モックが呼び出されていないことを確認することはできませんAssert-MockCalledAssert-VerifiableMocks「Get-ValueSum」の例をテストするこれら 2 つの違いをより完全に説明するために、以下に例を示します。



describe 'Assert-MockCalled vs Assert-VerifiableMocks in Pester' {
    function Get-Value1{ 1}
    function Get-Value2{ 2}
    function Get-Value3{ 3}
    # Should never be called by Get-ValueSum
    function Get-Value4{ 4}

    # Sums Value 1, 2 & 3, but 4 only if $include4 is specified
    function Get-ValueSum
        param([switch] $inclued4 )
            return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3) + (Get-Value4)
            return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3)

    context 'assert verifiable' {
        # Mark the first 3 mocks as verifiable 
        # because they should not be called 
        mock -CommandName Get-Value1 -MockWith { 2} -Verifiable
        mock -CommandName Get-Value2 -MockWith { 3} -Verifiable
        mock -CommandName Get-Value3 -MockWith { 4} -Verifiable
        # Add this so we can verify it is not called
        mock -CommandName Get-Value4 -MockWith { 99} 
        $result = Get-ValueSum

        it 'Should call the 3 expected value calls' {

        it 'should not call get-value 4' {
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value4 -Times 0

        it 'should have gotten a sum of 9' {
            $result | should be 9
        # add test for #$include4

Assert-MockCalled サンプル

describe 'Assert-MockCalled vs Assert-VerifiableMocks in Pester' {
    function Get-Value1{ 1}
    function Get-Value2{ 2}
    function Get-Value3{ 3}
    # Should never be called by Get-ValueSum
    function Get-Value4{ 4}

    # Sums Value 1, 2 & 3, but 4 only if $include4 is specified
    function Get-ValueSum
        param([switch] $inclued4 )
            return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3) + (Get-Value4)
            return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3)

    context 'assert mock called method' {
        # Add all mocks so we can verify 
        # if they were called or not individually
        mock -CommandName Get-Value1 -MockWith { 3} 
        mock -CommandName Get-Value2 -MockWith { 4} 
        mock -CommandName Get-Value3 -MockWith { 5} 
        mock -CommandName Get-Value4 -MockWith { 99} 

        $result = Get-ValueSum

        it 'Should call the 3 expected value calls' {
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value1 -Times 1
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value2 -Times 1
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value3 -Times 1

        it 'should not call get-value 4' {
            Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value4 -Times 0

        it 'should have gotten a sum of 12' {
            $result | should be 12
        # add test for #$include4
于 2016-05-30T20:04:56.387 に答える