I have a website with all the products having 2 variation attributes.
- Normal Item
- Exchange Item
Normal Item variation has a "Regular Price" & "Sale Price" compulsory. Exchange Item variation has only 1 regular price. I want to show all the 3 prices on the shop page where all the products are seen. I found the following code in woocommerce/templates/loops/price.php
<?php if ( $price_html = $product->get_price_html() ) : ?>
<span class="price"><?php echo $price_html; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
The same code is fetching different results for different themes, I dont understand what is causing this. For some themes it shows range of prices. For my theme this is displaying only the lowest price out of the 2 variations. How can I show something like this:
- Regular Price: 1000 (strikethrough)
- Sale Price : 800
- Exchange Price: 600
Number one and two being the regular & sale price of variation 1 of the product while number 3 is the regular price of variation 2.
Follwing is just and example of how I want it to be. striked is the regular price, 'with old battery' is the exchange price, and 'without old battery' is Regular price from normal item variation.
EDIT: So I checked function.php which has this code
add_filter( 'woocommerce_variable_sale_price_html', 'wc_wc20_variation_price_format', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_variable_price_html', 'wc_wc20_variation_price_format', 10, 2 );
function wc_wc20_variation_price_format( $price, $product ) {
// Main Price
$prices = array( $product->get_variation_price( 'min', true ), $product->get_variation_price( 'max', true ) );
$price = $prices[0] !== $prices[1] ? sprintf( __( 'Price: %1$s', 'woocommerce' ), wc_price( $prices[0] ) ) : wc_price( $prices[0] );
// Sale Price
$prices = array( $product->get_variation_regular_price( 'min', true ), $product->get_variation_regular_price( 'max', true ) );
sort( $prices );
$saleprice = $prices[0] !== $prices[1] ? sprintf( __( 'Previous Price: %1$s', 'woocommerce' ), wc_price( $prices[0] ) ) : wc_price( $prices[0] );
if ( $price !== $saleprice ) {
$price = '<ins>' . $price . '</ins> <del>' . $saleprice . '</del>';
return $price;
Gets me only exchange price values, I would like to get all.