• シェイプ間のスムーズな移行が必要です (以下の例では、スムーズな移行が必要な場所がわかるように突然の移行を示しています)。
  • 形状の順序は Javascript によって決定されます (この例では任意の順序を修正しましたが、実際の問題ではユーザー入力によってどの形状が選択されるかが決定されるため、事前にはわかりません)。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
    width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
window.animate = function( fromId, toId, next )
    return function()
        var elem = document.getElementById( 'elem' );
        /* Here a smooth animation is supposed to happen. */
        elem.setAttribute( 'xlink:href', '#' + toId );

        if( next )
            window.setTimeout( next, 1000 );

window.onload = function()
    /* The animation order is determined by javascript. */
    var step3 = window.animate( 'path-2', 'path-1', null );
    var step2 = window.animate( 'path-1', 'path-2', step3 );
    var step1 = window.animate( 'path-0', 'path-1', step2 );
    var step0 = window.animate( 'path-0', 'path-0', step1 );



<path id="path-0" style="fill:#fcc" d="M0,0 h100 v100 h-100 v-100" />
<path id="path-1" style="fill:#ccf" d="M0,0 h50 l50 50 l-100 50 v-100" />
<path id="path-2" style="fill:#cfc" d="M0,0 h150 l-50 50 l-100 50 v-100" />

<use id="elem" xlink:href="#path-0" x="150" y="150" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
    width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
window.set_animation = function( animId, fromId, toId )
    var anim = document.getElementById( animId );
    var from = document.getElementById( fromId );
    var to = document.getElementById( toId );
    anim.setAttribute( 'from', from.getAttribute( 'd' ) );
    anim.setAttribute( 'to', to.getAttribute( 'd' ) );

window.onload = function()
    /* The animation order is determined by javascript. */
    window.set_animation( 'anim-0', 'path-0', 'path-1' );
    window.set_animation( 'anim-1', 'path-1', 'path-2' );
    window.set_animation( 'anim-2', 'path-2', 'path-1' );

    /* Can start animation only once animation steps are defined. */
    var anim = document.getElementById( 'anim-0' );


    <path id="path-0" style="fill:#fcc" d="M0,0 l100,0 l0,100 l-100,0 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-1" style="fill:#ccf" d="M0,0 l50,0 l50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-2" style="fill:#cfc" d="M0,0 l150,0 l-50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />

<path id="elem" x="150" y="150" d="">
    <animate id="anim-0" begin="indefinite" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" dur="2s" from="[set by javascript]" to="[set by javascript]" />
    <animate id="anim-1" begin="anim-1.end" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" dur="2s" from="[set by javascript]" to="[set by javascript]" />
    <animate id="anim-2" begin="anim-2.end" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" dur="2s" from="[set by javascript]" to="[set by javascript]" />

2 に答える 2


It's easier to put all the values into a single animation as I've done here. If you don't then you have to start each subsequent animation as the previous one finishes which is doable but more complicated.

You'll need fakeSmile or the Chrome SMIL shim for IE/Chrome but this does play without plugins on Firefox.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
    width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">

function create_animation(animId, paths, attribute)
    var anim = document.getElementById( animId );
    var values = paths.map(function(item) { return document.getElementById(item).getAttribute(attribute) }).join(';'); 
    anim.setAttribute( 'values', values );

window.set_animation = function( animId, paths )
    create_animation(animId, paths, 'd');
    create_animation(animId + '-colour', paths, 'fill');

window.onload = function()
    /* The animation order is determined by javascript. */
    window.set_animation( 'anim-0', ['path-0', 'path-1', 'path-2'] );


    <path id="path-0" fill="#fcc" d="M0,0 l100,0 l0,100 l-100,0 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-1" fill="#ccf" d="M0,0 l50,0 l50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-2" fill="#cfc" d="M0,0 l150,0 l-50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />
  <animate id='anim-0' dur="3s" attributeName='d' fill="freeze"/>
  <animate id='anim-0-colour' dur="3s" attributeName='fill' fill="freeze"/>

于 2016-05-15T07:38:46.797 に答える