残念ながら、デフォルトの CSV インポートのオプションのようには見えません (残念です)。
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database);
/* check connection */
if ($conn->connect_errno) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);
echo "Connected successfully<br /><br />";
$conn->query("update ps_category_lang set name=SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '(', 1) WHERE name REGEXP '([[:digit:]]+)';");
$conn->query("truncate table ps_customization_field;");
$conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,0,0 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 1 AND customizable = 1;");
$conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,1,1 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 1 AND customizable = 1;");
echo "Added uploadable files & customized field to each item!<br /><br />";
$conn->query("truncate table ps_customization_field_lang;");
$conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,1,'Upload 1' from ps_customization_field WHERE type = 0;");
$conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,1,'Field 1' from ps_customization_field WHERE type = 1;");
echo "Added appropriate labeling for each field, for each product!<br /><br />";
echo "<h2>Yay, We're done!</h2>";