
を使用してこれを行いますRotateSimpleが、それは 90 度の倍数に制限されています。

GDK 内で Pixbuf バッファ内の画像を 45 度 (またはそれ以下) 回転させる方法はありますか?


2 に答える 2


汎用の pixbuf 回転関数を作成しました。引数:

  1. src -- 回転するpixbuf
  2. radian -- 回転する角度 (ラジアンで表現)
  3. full_size -- この関数は 2 つのモードで動作します。完全に回転した画像 (およびアルファ = 0 の余分な三角形) を格納するのに十分な大きさの新しい pixbuf を生成するか、最大内接 (水平/垂直) 長方形と同じ大きさの pixbuf を生成します。回転した画像。full_size が true の場合、(角が空白の) 大きい方の長方形が生成されます。full_size が false の場合、小さい方の長方形が生成されます。45 度近く回転すると、小さな長方形のサイズが 0 になり、NULL pixbuf が返されます。

    #include <gtk/gtk.h>
    /* There are two reasonable sizes for a rotated image-- Either the minimum */
    /*  bounding box which contains all rotated pixels (and a bunch of white space)*/
    /*  or the maximum rectangle where all pixels come from the source image (but */
    /*  where we lose some of the corners) */
    /* The first is easy to calculate: The minimum bounding box will have the corners */
    /*  of the rotated image on its edges, this leaves us with four triangles in */
    /*  the corners of the bb. Two triangles have edges width*sin(theta), width*cos(theta) */
    /*  and two have edges height*sin(theta), height*cos(theta) */
    /*  so the new width height will be the sum of two adjacent triangle edges: */
    /*   width" = width*cos + height*sin */
    /*   height"= width*sin + height*cos */
    /* Now for the maximum inscribed rectangle we draw a similar picture (except */
    /*  the unknown rectangle is internal now) and get similar triangles. Here the*/
    /*  equations are: */
    /*   width = width'*cos + height'*sin */
    /*   height= width'*sin + height'*cos */
    /*  solving for height'... */
    /*   height' = (width-width'*cos)/sin */
    /*   height' = (height-width'*sin)/cos */
    /*   (width-width'*cos)/sin = (height-width'*sin)/cos */
    /*   width*cos - width'*cos^2 = height*sin - width'*sin^2 */
    /*   width' * (sin^2-cos^2) = height*sin-width*cos */
    /*   width' = (height*sin - width*cos)/(sin^2-cos^2) */
    /*   height'= (width*sin - height*cos)/(sin^2-cos^2) */
    /*  Note this produces garbage (0/0) when rotated by 45 degrees (135,225,...) */
    /*   A little experimentation shows that at 45 degrees the only thing with */
    /*   an internal rectangle is a square, all other aspect ratios have a height */
    /*   of 0. A square, however, has an internal square with sides  1/sqrt(2) of the original */
    /* When creating a full_size image (minimum bounding box) we should return */
    /*  an image with an alpha channel (whether the original had one or no). */
    /*  otherwise we should create an alpha channel only if the original had one */
    /* A pixel at (x,y) will be rotated to: */
    /*    ((x-width/2)*cos + (y-height/2)*sin + width'/2 ,                */
    /*    =(x-width/2)*sin + (y-height/2)*cos + height'/2 )                */
    /* A pixel at (x',y') will have come from: */
    /*    ((x'-width'/2)*cos - (y'-height'/2)*sin + width/2 ,                */
    /*     (x'-width'/2)*sin + (y'-height'/2)*cos + height/2 )                */
    static GdkPixbuf *gdk_pixbuf_rotate(GdkPixbuf *src,double radian,gboolean full_size) {
        double s = sin(radian), c = cos(radian);
        double as= s<0 ? -s : s, ac= c<0 ? -c : c;
        int width, height, nwidth, nheight;
        int hasalpha, nhasalpha;
        GdkPixbuf *ret;
        int nr,nc,r,col;
        double nmodr, nmodc;
        int alpha=0;
        guchar *pixels, *npixels, *pt, *npt;
        int rowstride, nrowstride, pixellen;
        if ( src==NULL )
            return( NULL );
        width     = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(src);
        height    = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(src);
        hasalpha  = gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(src);
        rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(src);
        pixels    = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(src);
        pixellen  = hasalpha ? 4 : 3;
        if ( full_size ) {
            nwidth = round( ac*width + as*height );
            nheight= round( as*width + ac*height );
            nhasalpha = TRUE;
        } else {
            double denom = as*as - ac*ac;
            if ( denom<.1e-7 && denom>-1.e-7 ) {
                if ( width!=height )
                    return( NULL );
                nwidth = nheight = round( width/sqrt(2.0) );
            } else {
                nwidth = round( (height*as - width*ac)/denom );
                nheight = round( (width*as - height*ac)/denom );
            if ( nwidth<=0 || nheight<=0 )
                return( NULL );
            nhasalpha = hasalpha;
        ret = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,nhasalpha,8,nwidth,nheight);
        if ( ret==NULL )
            return( NULL );
        nrowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(ret);
        npixels    = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(ret);
        for ( nr=0; nr<nheight; ++nr ) {
            nmodr = nr-nheight/2.0;
            npt = npixels + nr*nrowstride;
            for ( nc=0; nc<nwidth; ++nc ) {
                nmodc = nc-nwidth/2.0;
                /* Where did this pixel come from? */
                r   = round( height/2 - nmodc*s + nmodr*c );
                col = round( width/2  + nmodc*c + nmodr*s );
                if ( r<0 || col<0 || r>=height || col>=width ) {
                    alpha = 0;
                    if ( r<0 ) r=0;
                    else if ( r>=height ) r = height-1;
                    if ( col<0 ) col = 0;
                    else if ( col>=width ) col = width-1;
                } else
                    alpha = 0xff;
                pt = pixels + r*rowstride + col*pixellen;
                *npt++ = *pt++;
                *npt++ = *pt++;
                *npt++ = *pt++;
                if ( hasalpha && alpha!=0 )
                    alpha = *pt;
                if ( nhasalpha )
                    *npt++ = alpha;        
        return( ret );
于 2016-08-24T18:14:45.920 に答える