numpyのようなライブラリを使用せずに、メンバー関数に数学的な argmin/argmax を使用する「pythonic」な方法があるかどうかを知りたいです。
以下のソースコードを見つけてください。改善したい部分はコード 改善したいタグの直後です。このコードは非常にうまく機能していますが、同じことを行うためのより良い方法があると確信しています。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""argmin example"""
class People(object):
"""People class"""
ret_ages = {"Half": 60, "AlmostFull": 65, "Full": 71} # years
def __init__(self, name, age, ret_mode):
super(People, self).__init__()
if ret_mode not in self.ret_ages.keys():
raise KeyError(ret_mode + " not in " + str(self.ret_ages.keys())) = name
self.age = age
self.ret_mode = ret_mode
def get_remaining_years(self):
Return how many years People have still to work before earning
<rate> retirement.
<rate> could be "Half", "Middle" or "Full".
return self.ret_ages[self.ret_mode] - self.age
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("rate has to be in " + str(self.ret_ages.keys()))
def main():
"""Main function"""
people_list = [
People("Juliette", 35, "Full"),
People("Coralie", 26, "Half"),
People("Laura", 27, "AlmostFull")
# Debugging print
for people in people_list:
print, "has still to work",\
people.get_remaining_years(), "years."
# End of debugging print
# Code I'd like to improve #
people_closer_to_ret = people_list[0]
minimum_remainining_years = people_closer_to_ret.get_remaining_years()
for people in people_list:
if people.get_remaining_years() < minimum_remainining_years:
people_closer_to_ret = people
minimum_remainining_years = people.get_remaining_years()
minimum_remainining_years = people.get_remaining_years()
# End of code I'd like to improve #
print, "will be retired soon !"
if __name__ == '__main__':
Juliette has still to work 36 years.
Coralie has still to work 34 years.
Laura has still to work 38 years.
Coralie will be retired soon !