
バランスの取れた 3 進クロックに取り組んでおり、カードに応じて文字盤のサイズを変更したいと考えています。


// detect the height of a card. And call resizers.
// baseLedge is the default bottom of the watch
// tallness is the height of the display
// tallable is the portion of the screen height offered to the face.
// ledge is the adjusted bottom of the watch
// ledgeSpace is a desired margin above the ledge
// puff is the ratio of the adjusted display to the standard display
// puffer() is a module (or method or whatever the correct term is) that applies the resizing.
    // no clue what the Override wrapper does or how it work.   
    // Rect -> none
    public void onPeekCardPositionUpdate(Rect bounds) {
        if (!bounds.equals(mCardBounds)) {
            if (bounds.top == 0){bounds.top = (int)tallness;}
            if (bounds.top < baseLedge || ledge != baseLedge) {
                ledge = Math.min(bounds.top, baseLedge);
                puff = (ledge - dispTop -) / tallable; 
                if (puff < (float).25) {puff = (float).25; }
                puffer ();
            invalidate(); // redraw screen without updating time.

注: フラグを作成し、高さを見つけます。次のコードを onPeekCardPositionUpdate() に配置できます。

yesCard = bounds.top != (int)0; // boolean that will be true if a card is showing.
cardHeight = (float)bounds.top; 

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