textstring = "likewesaid, we'lldowhatwecan. Trytoreconnectyou, towhatyouwant," said the Sheep Man. "Butwecan'tdoit-alone. Yougottaworktoo."
indiv_characters = list(textstring) #splits string into individual characters
teststring = ''
sequential_indiv_word_list = []
for cur_char in indiv_characters:
teststring = teststring + cur_char
# do some action here to test the testsring against an English dictionary where you can API into it to get True / False if it exists as an entry
if in_english_dict == True:
teststring = ''
#at the end just assemble a sentence from the pieces of sequential_indiv_word_list by putting a space between each word
if cur_char == ',' or cur_char =='.':
#do action to start new "word" automatically