クラウド キットのレコードに CKReference を追加しようとしていますが、この試行によって "Service Record Changed" がトリガーされ続けます。私のprintlnが示したコンソールメッセージ(コンソールメッセージと以下のコード)から、参照が0のレコードをアップロードしています。次に、参照を添付すると、参照が1のレコードをアップロードしようとしています。次に、エラーが発生します。
私が理解しているように、参照リストの値が変更されたため、「サービスレコードが変更されました」はトリガーされるべきではありません (レコードには余分なフィールド全体があります)。私は開発モードですが、参照リストが空の場合、最初のレコードのアップロードにはフィールドが含まれていないため、参照リストのキー値フィールドを手動で作成しました (空の配列をアップロードすると別のエラーが発生します)。
コンソール メッセージの後に、関連性の高い順にコードを含めます (ほとんどの println を確認できます)。プロジェクト全体は github にあり、必要に応じてリンクしたり、コードを追加したりできます。
name was set
uploading TestCrewParticipant
with 0 references
if let projects
upload succeeded: TestCrewParticipant
attaching reference
adding TestVoyage:_d147aa657fbf2adda0c82bf30d0e29a9 from guard
references #: Optional(1)
uploading TestCrewParticipant
with 1 references
if let projects
success: 1
uploading TestCrewParticipant
with 1 references
if let projects
success: 1
local storage tested: TestCrewParticipant
u!error for TestCrewParticipant
CKError: <CKError 0x7fcbd05fa960: "Server Record Changed" (14/2004); server message = "record to insert already exists"; uuid = 96377029-341E-487C-85C3-E18ADE1119DF; container ID = "">
u!error for TestCrewParticipant
CKError: <CKError 0x7fcbd05afb80: "Server Record Changed" (14/2004); server message = "record to insert already exists"; uuid = 3EEDE4EC-4BC1-4F18-9612-4E2C8A36C68F; container ID = "">
passing the guard
CrewParticipant からのコード:
* This array stores a conforming instance's CKReferences used as database
* relationships. Instance is owned by each record that is referenced in the
* array (supports multiple ownership)
var references: [CKReference] { return associatedProjects ?? [CKReference]() }
// MARK: - Functions
* This method is used to store new ownership relationship in references array,
* and to ensure that cloud data model reflects such changes. If necessary, ensures
* that owned instance has only a single reference in its list of references.
mutating func attachReference(reference: CKReference, database: CKDatabase) {
print("attaching reference")
guard associatedProjects != nil else {
print("adding \(reference.recordID.recordName) from guard")
associatedProjects = [reference]
print("associatedProjects: \(associatedProjects?.count)")
if !associatedProjects!.contains(reference) {
print("adding \(reference.recordID.recordName) regularly")
* An identifier used to store and recover conforming instances record.
var recordID: CKRecordID { return CKRecordID(recordName: identifier) }
* This computed property generates a conforming instance's CKRecord (a key-value
* cloud database entry). Any values that conforming instance needs stored should be
* added to the record before returning from getter, and conversely should recover
* in the setter.
var record: CKRecord {
get {
let record = CKRecord(recordType: CrewParticipant.REC_TYPE, recordID: recordID)
if let id = cloudIdentity { record[CrewParticipant.TOKEN] = id }
// There are several other records that are dealt with successfully here.
print("if let projects")
// Referable properties
if let projects = associatedProjects {
print("success: \(projects.count)")
record[CrewParticipant.REFERENCES] = projects
return record
set { matchFromRecord(newValue) }
アップロードが発生する一般的なコード (他のいくつかのクラスで機能します):
* This method uploads any instance that conforms to recordable up to the cloud. Does not check any
* redundancies or for any constraints before (over)writing.
func uploadRecordable<T: Recordable>
(instanceConformingToRecordable: T, database: CKDatabase, completionHandler: (() -> ())? = nil) {
print("uploading \(instanceConformingToRecordable.recordID.recordName)")
if let referable = instanceConformingToRecordable as? Referable { print("with \(referable.references.count) references") }
database.saveRecord(instanceConformingToRecordable.record) { record, error in
guard error == nil else {
print("u!error for \(instanceConformingToRecordable.recordID.recordName)")
self.tempHandler = { self.uploadRecordable(instanceConformingToRecordable,
database: database,
completionHandler: completionHandler) }
CloudErrorHandling.handleError(error!, errorMethodSelector: #selector(self.runTempHandler))
print("upload succeeded: \(record!.recordID.recordName)")
if let handler = completionHandler { handler() }
* This method comprehensiviley handles any cloud errors that could occur while in operation.
* error: NSError, not optional to force check for nil / check for success before calling method.
* errorMethodSelector: Selector that points to the func calling method in case a retry attempt is
* warranted. If left nil, no retries will be attempted, regardless of error type.
static func handleError(error: NSError, errorMethodSelector: Selector? = nil) {
if let code: CKErrorCode = CKErrorCode(rawValue: error.code) {
switch code {
// This case requires a message to USER (with USER action to resolve), and retry attempt.
case .NotAuthenticated:
dealWithAuthenticationError(error, errorMethodSelector: errorMethodSelector)
// These cases require retry attempts, but without error messages or USER actions.
case .NetworkUnavailable, .NetworkFailure, .ServiceUnavailable, .RequestRateLimited, .ZoneBusy, .ResultsTruncated:
guard errorMethodSelector != nil else { print("Error Retry CANCELED: no selector"); return }
retryAfterError(error, selector: errorMethodSelector!)
// These cases require no message to USER or retry attempts.
print("CKError: \(error)")