Based on the results of my query in this thread, I've decided that I need to maintain my own database of metadata for the media that I'll be accessing. It seems like MediaStore is a very good start for this, as it will give me a good deal of information and is regularly updated by the MediaScanner. In an ideal world, I would add a few columns to the MediaStore database and modify the MediaScanner to scan the relevant sources of metadata to update those columns (ideal for me - maybe not ideal in terms of resource allocation).

For those who understand the way media is stored in Android - what are my options? Should I create my own ContentProvider database or is there a way to do something akin to adding a table to the MediaStore database (i.e. a new table with entries corresponding to every relevant ID and columns for each new piece of information I'd like to store)? Is there a way to ask the MediaScanner to update my database when it is updating the normal media database, and if so would that be considered bad form (i.e. should I wait until my app is opened to update my database)? What are the best practices for something like this?


1 に答える 1


これまでと同じようなことを行っていましたが、これまでのところ、困難な道を行くことにしました (これ以上簡単なものは見つかりませんでした)。自分のデータベースをメディア ストアと定期的に同期させます。

今のところジャンルで悩んでいます。しかし、私は同期のためにかなり良い結果を得ることができました (ただし、パフォーマンスをより厳密にテストする必要があります)。

于 2011-02-04T09:57:40.067 に答える