I have a organizers, which do tournaments where a player can participate.
So I have the tables organizer, tournament, participation, player.
I made a relation in the organizer model that gives me all players who ever payer in a tournament organized by that organizer.
public function getTournaments()
return $this->hasMany(Tournament::className(), ['organizer' => 'id'])->where(['hasBeenAudited' => 1]);
public function getParticipations()
return $this->hasMany(Participation::className(), ['tournament' => 'id'])
->via('tournament')->where(['didShowUp' => 1]);
public function getPlayers() {
return $this->hasMany(Player::className(), ['id' => 'player'])
So now I can do $model->players
and retrieve all players that have ever played for that organization.
I now would like to order $model->players
according to the number of tournaments a player has played for that organization, so that the player who has played the most tournaments for the organization will show up at the top.
How do I do that?