このデモを使用するときに、xcode 8.0 と os バージョン 9.3.5 を使用しましたが、カメラを開くことができません。




これが私のスクリーンショットです ここに画像の説明を入力



- (IBAction)progressButton:(id)sender
    if (self.touchPin) {
        [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"showGPSDemo" sender:self];

#pragma mark - Navigation

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"showGPSDemo"]) {
        // Set model coordinate to position of the map pin.
        CameraViewController *viewController = [segue destinationViewController];

        CLLocationCoordinate2D touchPinCoordinate = self.touchPin.coordinate;

        viewController.objectCoordinate = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:touchPinCoordinate.latitude longitude:touchPinCoordinate.longitude];


- (void)setupContent
    // Initialise and start the GPS Manager.
    ARGPSManager *gpsManager = [ARGPSManager getInstance];
    [gpsManager initialise];
    [gpsManager start];

    // Initialise a GPSNode with coordinate provided from the map.
    ARGPSNode *gpsNode = [[ARGPSNode alloc] initWithLocation:self.objectCoordinate];

    // Point the GPS Node due east.
    [gpsNode setBearing:90];

    // Must add GPSNode as a child to the GPS Manager world.
    [gpsManager.world addChild:gpsNode];

    // Import the model.
    ARModelImporter *modelImporter = [[ARModelImporter alloc] initWithBundled:@"bloodhound.armodel"];

    // The ARModel node represents all external contents relating to the model e.g.animations, textures.
    ARModelNode *modelNode = [modelImporter getNode];

    // Add the modelNode as a child to the GPSNode.
    [gpsNode addChild:modelNode];

    // Add the texture to the 3D model.
    ARTexture *modelTexture = [[ARTexture alloc] initWithUIImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"bloodhound.png"]];

    // Setup the object material.
    ARLightMaterial *modelMaterial = [[ARLightMaterial alloc] init];
    modelMaterial.colour.texture = modelTexture;
    modelMaterial.ambient.value = [ARVector3 vectorWithValuesX:0.5 y:0.5 z:0.5];
    modelMaterial.diffuse.value = [ARVector3 vectorWithValuesX:0.5 y:0.5 z:0.5];

    // Apply to the model.
    for (ARMeshNode *meshNode in modelNode.meshNodes) {
        meshNode.material = modelMaterial;

    // Scale the model to the correct height of Big Ben from model height. Units of the GPSManager world are meters, model is 11008 units high in object space.
    [modelNode scaleByUniform:(96.0 / 11008.0)];

    self.gpsNode = gpsNode;


Could not find file for texture Big_Ben_spec.png
2016-12-13 16:40:37.546 GPS Sample[13723:834618] RootNode ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:37.547 GPS Sample[13723:834618]   Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.001160, -0.000000, 0.001221)
2016-12-13 16:40:37.547 GPS Sample[13723:834618]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:37.547 GPS Sample[13723:834618]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:37.547 GPS Sample[13723:834618]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:37.547 GPS Sample[13723:834618]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:37.547 GPS Sample[13723:834618]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:39.877 GPS Sample[13723:834618] generated main fbo 2
2016-12-13 16:40:39.885 GPS Sample[13723:834618] created main FBO with width 1536 and height 2048
2016-12-13 16:40:40.281 GPS Sample[13723:834682] camera dimensions: 480.000000 x 640.000000
2016-12-13 16:40:40.282 GPS Sample[13723:834682] camera aspect ratio: 0.750000
2016-12-13 16:40:40.282 GPS Sample[13723:834682] framebuffer aspect ratio: 0.750000
2016-12-13 16:40:40.288 GPS Sample[13723:834682] rotating to orientation 1
2016-12-13 16:40:40.444 GPS Sample[13723:834682] WARNING: Could not find file for texture Big_Ben_diffuseShade.png
2016-12-13 16:40:40.444 GPS Sample[13723:834682] WARNING: Could not find file for texture Big_Ben_spec.png
2016-12-13 16:40:40.461 GPS Sample[13723:834682] RootNode ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:40.461 GPS Sample[13723:834682]   Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.001160, -0.000000, 0.001221)
2016-12-13 16:40:40.462 GPS Sample[13723:834682]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:40.462 GPS Sample[13723:834682]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:40.462 GPS Sample[13723:834682]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:40.462 GPS Sample[13723:834682]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:40.462 GPS Sample[13723:834682]     Big_Ben_001 ARVector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
2016-12-13 16:40:49.263 GPS Sample[13723:834618] Error while getting core location : (null)

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