I have a Dataframe df with 11 rows and 1 column. In each row I have an array that I would convert into json but assigning to each entry in array a key.
For example,
0 [1.234,1.234,2.1123,4.32212,1.2231,2.55323,1.4421]
1 [2.21,1.234,1.31,3.121,2.22,2.32322,0.8873]
The above DataFrame should become the same DataFrame but having json data in the entries:
0 {"0":1.234,"1":1.234,"2":2.1123,"3":4.32212,"4"1.2231,"5"2.55323,"6":
1 {"0":2.21,"1":1.234,"2":1.31,"3":3.121,"4":2.22,"5":2.32322,"6":0.8873}
Thanks in advance.