#include "ruby.h"
#include "fft.c" // the c file I wish to wrap in ruby
VALUE SimpleFFT = Qnil;
void Init_simplefft();
VALUE method_rfft(VALUE self, VALUE anObject);
void Init_simplefft() {
SimpleFFT = rb_define_module("SimpleFFT");
rb_define_method(SimpleFFT, "rfft", method_rfft, 1);
VALUE method_rfft(VALUE self, VALUE inputArr) {
int N = RARRAY_LEN(inputArr); // this works :)
// the FFT function takes an array of real and imaginary paired values
double (*x)[2] = malloc(2 * N * sizeof(double));
// and requires as an argument another such array (empty) for the transformed output
double (*X)[2] = malloc(2 * N * sizeof(double));
for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
x[i][0]=NUM2DBL(inputArr[i]); // ***THIS LINE CAUSES THE ERROR***
x[i][1]=0; // setting all the imaginary values to zero for simplicity
fft(N, x, X); // the target function call
// this bit should work in principle, dunno if it's optimal
VALUE outputArr = rb_ary_new();
for(i=0; i<N; i++){
rb_ary_push(outputArr, DBL2NUM(X[i][0]));
return outputArr;
前もって感謝します :)