いくつかのスマート コントラクト テンプレートを見て、いくつかのチュートリアルを実行しました。しかし、これらのコードの詳細を 1 行ずつ調べているものはありません。会社の利益の配当を顧客に還元する機能を追加したいのですが、どこに追加すればよいですか?たとえば、次のコード テンプレートでは、コード ブロックに関数 giveBackDividend() を追加できますか?
誰でも ICO のスマート コントラクトの一般的な構造を説明できますか?
contract HubiiCrowdsale is Crowdsale {
uint private constant chunked_multiple = 18000 * (10 ** 18); // in wei
uint private constant limit_per_address = 100000 * (10 ** 18); // in wei
uint private constant hubii_minimum_funding = 17000 * (10 ** 18); // in wei
uint private constant token_initial_supply = 0;
uint8 private constant token_decimals = 15;
bool private constant token_mintable = true;
string private constant token_name = "Hubiits";
string private constant token_symbol = "HBT";
uint private constant token_in_wei = 10 ** 15;
// The fraction of 10,000 out of the total target tokens that is used to mint bonus tokens. These are allocated to the team's multisig wallet.
uint private constant bonus_base_points = 3000;
function HubiiCrowdsale(address _teamMultisig, uint _start, uint _end) Crowdsale(_teamMultisig, _start, _end, hubii_minimum_funding) public {
PricingStrategy p_strategy = new FlatPricing(token_in_wei);
CeilingStrategy c_strategy = new FixedCeiling(chunked_multiple, limit_per_address);
FinalizeAgent f_agent = new BonusFinalizeAgent(this, bonus_base_points, _teamMultisig);
// Testing values
token = new CrowdsaleToken(token_name, token_symbol, token_initial_supply, token_decimals, _teamMultisig, token_mintable);
token.setMintAgent(address(this), true);
token.setMintAgent(address(f_agent), true);
// These two setters are present only to correct block numbers if they are off from their target date by more than, say, a day
function setStartingBlock(uint startingBlock) public onlyOwner inState(State.PreFunding) {
require(startingBlock > block.number && startingBlock < endsAt);
startsAt = startingBlock;
function setEndingBlock(uint endingBlock) public onlyOwner notFinished {
require(endingBlock > block.number && endingBlock > startsAt);
endsAt = endingBlock;