メール メッセージを受信して処理する Android アプリを開発しています。アプリは IMAP サーバーに接続し、接続を維持する必要があります。これにより、新しいメール メッセージを即座に確認して処理できます (メールには、メール API サーバーからの json データが含まれます)。アプリには、手動接続とライブ接続の 2 つのモードがあります。これが私のコードの一部です:
class Idler {
Thread th;
volatile Boolean isIdling=false;
boolean shouldsync=false;//we need to see if we have unseen mails
Object idleLock;
Handler handler=new Handler();
IMAPFolder inbox;
public boolean keppAliveConnection;//keep alive connection, or manual mode
//This thread should keep the idle connection alive, or in case it's set to manual mode (keppAliveConnection=false) get new mail.
Thread refreshThread;
synchronized void refresh()
if(isIdling)//if already idling, just keep connection alive
refreshThread =new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
inbox.doCommand(new IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand() {
public Object doCommand(IMAPProtocol protocol) throws ProtocolException {
//Why not noop?
//any call to IMAPFolder.doCommand() will trigger waitIfIdle, this
//issues a "DONE" command and waits for idle to return(ideally with a DONE server response).
// So... I think NOOP is unnecessary
//protocol.simpleCommand("NOOP",null); I'm not issuing noop due to what I said ^
//PD: if connection was broken, then server response will never arrive, and idle will keep running forever
//without triggering messagesAdded event any more :'( I see any other explanation to this phenomenon
return null;
} catch (MessagingException e) {
getNewMail();//If manual mode keppAliveConnection=false) get the new mail
public Idler()
th=new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true)
try {
if(refreshThread !=null && refreshThread.isAlive())
refreshThread.interrupt();//if the refresher thread is active: interrupt. I thing this is not necessary at this point, but not shure
initIMAP();//initializes imap store
try {
shouldsync=connectIMAP()||shouldsync;//if was disconnected or ordered to sync: needs to sync
catch (Exception e)
Thread.sleep(5000);//if can't connect: wait some time and throw
throw e;
shouldsync=initInbox()||shouldsync;//if inbox was null or closed: needs to sync
if(shouldsync)//if needs to sync
getNewMail();//gets new unseen mail
shouldsync=false;//already refreshed, clear sync "flag"
while (keppAliveConnection) {//if sould keep idling "forever"
synchronized (idleLock){}//MessageCountListener may be doing some work... wait for it
isIdling = true; //set isIdling "flag"
handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);//clears refresh scheduled tasks
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
},1200000);//Schedule a refresh in 20 minutes
inbox.idle();//start idling
if(refreshThread !=null && refreshThread.isAlive())
refreshThread.interrupt();//if the refresher thread is active: interrupt. I thing this is not necessary at this point, but not shure
handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);//clears refresh scheduled tasks
isIdling=false;//clear isIdling "flag"
break;//if ordered to sync... break. The loop will handle it upstairs.
synchronized (idleLock){}//MessageCountListener may be doing some work... wait for it
catch (Exception e) {
//if the refresher thread is active: interrupt
//Why interrupt? refresher thread may be waiting for idle to return after "DONE" command, but if folder was closed and throws
//a FolderClosedException, then it could wait forever...., so... interrupt.
if (refreshThread != null && refreshThread.isAlive())
handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);//clears refresh scheduled tasks
private synchronized void getNewMail()
long uid=getLastSeen();//get last unprocessed mail
SearchTerm searchTerm=new UidTerm(uid,Long.MAX_VALUE);//search from las processed message to the las one.
IMAPSearchOperation so=new IMAPSearchOperation(searchTerm);
try {
so.run();//search new messages
final long[] is=so.uids();//get unprocessed messages count
if (is.length > 0) {//if some...
try {
//there are new messages
IMAPFetchMessagesOperation fop=new IMAPFetchMessagesOperation(is);
fop.run();//fetch new messages
//process fetched messages (internally sets the last seen uid value & delete some...)
inbox.expunge();//expunge deleted messages if any
catch (Exception e)
//Do something
//Do something
catch (Exception e)
//Do something
private synchronized void initIMAP()
store=new IMAPStore(mailSession,new URLName("imap",p.IMAPServer,p.IMAPPort,null,p.IMAPUser,p.IMAPPassword));
private boolean connectIMAP() throws MessagingException {
try {
store.connect(p.IMAPServer, p.IMAPPort, p.IMAPUser, p.IMAPPassword);
return true;
catch (IllegalStateException e)
return false;
//returns true if the folder was closed or null
private synchronized boolean initInbox() throws MessagingException {
boolean retVal=false;
{//if null, create. This is called after initializing store
inbox = (IMAPFolder) store.getFolder("INBOX");
retVal=true;//was created
retVal=true;//was oppened
return retVal;
private MessageCountListener countListener= new MessageCountAdapter() {
public void messagesAdded(MessageCountEvent ev) {
synchronized (idleLock)
try {
processMessages(ev.getMessages());//process the new messages, (internally sets the last seen uid value & delete some...)
inbox.expunge();//expunge deleted messajes if any
} catch (MessagingException e) {
//Do something
問題は次のとおりです。Alive Connection モードで、ユーザーが更新している場合やアプリが自動更新されている場合に、この条件のいずれかまたは両方が原因で、アプリが新しいメッセージを受信できなくなることがあります。これは、javamail ソース コードからのものです。
1: IdlerThread は次の時点でモニター状態に入ります。
//I don't know why sometimes it enters monitor state here.
private synchronized void throwClosedException(ConnectionException cex)
throws FolderClosedException, StoreClosedException {
// If it's the folder's protocol object, throw a FolderClosedException;
// otherwise, throw a StoreClosedException.
// If a command has failed because the connection is closed,
// the folder will have already been forced closed by the
// time we get here and our protocol object will have been
// released, so if we no longer have a protocol object we base
// this decision on whether we *think* the folder is open.
if ((protocol != null && cex.getProtocol() == protocol) ||
(protocol == null && !reallyClosed))
throw new FolderClosedException(this, cex.getMessage());
throw new StoreClosedException(store, cex.getMessage());
2: 「refresherThread」は次の時点で待機状態に入ります。
void waitIfIdle() throws ProtocolException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(messageCacheLock);
while (idleState != RUNNING) {
if (idleState == IDLE) {
idleState = ABORTING;
try {
// give up lock and wait to be not idle
messageCacheLock.wait();//<-----This is the line is driving me crazy.
} catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
この両方のスレッドのいずれかが実行を「停止」するため (待機および監視状態)、この状態に達するとアプリは役に立たなくなります。私の国では、モバイル データ ネットワークは非常に不安定で、遅くて高価です (GSM)。
接続がサイレントに失敗し、refresherThread がその仕事を開始すると、問題が発生すると思います。アイドルがアクティブな場合は DONE コマンドを発行しますが、接続が失われると、アイドルが FolderClosedException をスローしようとすると、一方または両方のスレッドが無期限にロックされます。
ですから、私の質問は次のとおりです。この状況が発生する理由と、それを防ぐ方法は? ロックされることなく、アイドル ループを安全に実行し続けるにはどうすればよいですか?
私の問題を解決せずに読んだいくつかのスレッドを次に示します。私の国ではインターネットも非常に高価なので、私が望むほど多くの情報を調査することも、情報を求めてアクセスしたすべての URL をリストすることもできません。
JavaMail: IMAPFolder.idle() を維持する
JavaMail: IMAPFolder.idle() を維持する
Javamail : IMAPFolder の idle() を発行する適切な方法