Business Objects Web Services SDK を使用して、Business Objects データにアクセスしています。レポートのリストを取得することに成功し、そこからLastSuccessfulInstance
var sessConnUrl = serviceUrl + "/session";
var boConnection = new BusinessObjects.DSWS.Connection(sessConnUrl);
var boSession = new Session(boConnection);
// Setup the Enterprise Credentials used to login to the Enterprise System
var boEnterpriseCredential = new EnterpriseCredential
Domain = cmsname,
Login = username,
Password = password,
AuthType = authType
// Login to the Enterprise System and retrieve the SessionInfo
/************************** DISPLAY INBOX OBJECTS *************************/
// Retrieve the BIPlatform Service so it can be used to add the USER
var biPlatformUrl = boSession.GetAssociatedServicesURL("BIPlatform");
var boBiPlatform = BIPlatform.GetInstance(boSession, biPlatformUrl[0]);
// Specify the query used to retrieve the inbox objects
// NOTE: Adding a "/" at the end of the query indicates that we want to
// retrieve the all the objects located directly under the inbox.
// Without the "/" Path operator, the inbox itself would be returned.
const string query = "path://InfoObjects/Root Folder/Reports/";
// Execute the query and retrieve the reports objects
var boResponseHolder = boBiPlatform.Get(query, null);
var boInfoObjects = boResponseHolder.InfoObjects.InfoObject;
// If the reports contains a list of objects, loop through and display them
if (boInfoObjects != null)
// Go through and display the list of documents
foreach (var boInfoObject in boInfoObjects)
var report = boInfoObject as Webi;
if (report == null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report.LastSuccessfulInstanceCUID))
var instanceQuery = "cuid://<" + report.LastSuccessfulInstanceCUID + ">";
var instanceResponseHolder = boBiPlatform.Get(instanceQuery, null);
var instance = instanceResponseHolder.InfoObjects.InfoObject[0];
も false で、どちらもLastRunTime
、Web Intelligence UI で前回の実行時間を確認できます。