package org.codehaus.preon.sample.varlength;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.codehaus.preon.Builder;
import org.codehaus.preon.Codec;
import org.codehaus.preon.CodecDescriptor;
import org.codehaus.preon.DecodingException;
import org.codehaus.preon.Resolver;
import org.codehaus.preon.buffer.BitBuffer;
import org.codehaus.preon.channel.BitChannel;
import org.codehaus.preon.el.Expression;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.Documenter;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.ParaContents;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.SimpleContents;
public class VariableLengthByteArrayCodec implements Codec<byte[]> {
public byte[] decode(BitBuffer buffer, Resolver resolver, Builder builder) throws DecodingException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
boolean cont = true;
while (cont) {
byte b = buffer.readAsByte(8);
cont = (b & (1 << 7)) > 0;
return bout.toByteArray();
public void encode(byte[] value, BitChannel channel, Resolver resolver) throws IOException {
channel.write(value, 0, value.length - 1);
public Expression<Integer, Resolver> getSize() {
return null;
public CodecDescriptor getCodecDescriptor() {
return new CodecDescriptor() {
public <C extends ParaContents<?>> Documenter<C> summary() {
return new Documenter<C>() {
public void document(C target) {
target.document(reference(Adjective.A, true));
public <C extends ParaContents<?>> Documenter<C> reference(final Adjective adjective, final boolean startWithCapital) {
return new Documenter<C>() {
public void document(C target) {
.text("variable length encoded byte array.");
public <C extends SimpleContents<?>> Documenter<C> details(String bufferReference) {
return new Documenter<C>() {
public void document(C target) {
.text("The number of bytes is determined by the ")
.text("leading bit of the individual bytes; ")
.text("if the first bit of a byte is 1, then ")
.text("more bytes are expted to follow.");
public boolean requiresDedicatedSection() {
return false;
public String getTitle() {
assert requiresDedicatedSection();
return null;
public Class<?>[] getTypes() {
return new Class<?>[] { Byte[].class };
public Class<?> getType() {
return Byte[].class;
package org.codehaus.preon.sample.varlength;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import org.codehaus.preon.Codec;
import org.codehaus.preon.CodecFactory;
import org.codehaus.preon.ResolverContext;
public class VariableLengthByteArrayCodecFactory implements CodecFactory {
public <T> Codec<T> create(AnnotatedElement metadata, Class<T> type, ResolverContext context) {
if (metadata != null && metadata.isAnnotationPresent(VarLengthEncoded.class) && type == byte[].class) {
return (Codec<T>) new VariableLengthByteArrayCodec();
} else {
return null;
package org.codehaus.preon.sample.varlength;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
public @interface VarLengthEncoded {
public static class SomeHolder {
@VarLengthEncoded byte[] value;
public byte[] getValue() {
return value;
Codec<SomeHolder> codec = Codecs.create(SomeHolder.class, new VariableLengthByteArrayCodecFactory());
SomeHolder holder = Codecs.decode(codec, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0x0f);
assertThat(holder.getValue(), is(not(nullValue())));
assertThat(holder.getValue().length, is(2));
assertThat(holder.getValue()[0], is((byte) 0xff));
assertThat(holder.getValue()[1], is((byte) 0x0f));
これはかなりのコードのように見えるかもしれませんが、注意深くチェックすると、@ VarLengthEncodedアノテーションを使用してクラスのドキュメントを生成するときはいつでも、ほとんどのコードが実際に適切な説明が生成されていることを確認していることがわかります。ドキュメントをまったく気にしない場合は、デフォルトのCodecDescriptorを返すだけです。