私は TradingView で見つけた戦略 (スリングショット戦略と呼ばれ、そのリンクはここにあります) を編集しており、画面の下部に表示される緑色の矢印が表示されたときに購入する条件を作成しようとしています。画面は、現在のろうそくの終わりに最初に表示されます。私はあまり進歩していません。PineScript を使用したコーディングは初めてです。

strategy("UCS_Momentum Oscillator Upper", overlay=true, initial_capital=10000, currency='GBP')
sae = input(true, title="Show Aggressive Entry?, Or Use as Alert To Potential Conservative Entry?")
sce = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry?")
st = input(true, title="Show Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen?")
def = input(false, title="Only Choose 1 - Either Conservative Entry Arrows or 'B'-'S' Letters")
pa = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry Arrows?")
sl = input(false, title="Show '↑'-'↓' Letters?")

ma1 = ema(close, 13)
ma2 = ema(close, 21)
ma3 = ema(close, 34)
ma = ema(close, 89)

range =  tr 
rangema = ema(range, 89)
upper = ma + rangema * 0.5
lower = ma - rangema * 0.5
midChan = (upper + lower)/2

//Trend Definition
tr_up = ma1 > upper and ma2 > upper and ma3 > upper
tr_down = ma1 < lower and ma2 < lower and ma3 < lower
//Aggressive Entry
pullbackUpT() => tr_up and close < upper
pullbackDnT() => tr_down and close > lower
//Conservative Entry
entryUpT() => tr_up and close[1] < upper and close > upper
entryDnT() => tr_down and close[1] > lower and close < lower
//Conservative Entry True/False Condition
entryUpTrend = ma1 > upper and ma2 > upper and ma3 > upper and close[1] < upper and close > upper ? 1 : 0
entryDnTrend = ma1 < lower and ma2 < lower and ma3 < lower and close[1] > lower and close < lower ? 1 : 0

//Define Up and Down Trend for Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen
upTrend = ma1 > upper and ma2 > upper and ma3 > upper
downTrend = ma1 < lower and ma2 < lower and ma3 < lower

//Definition for Conservative Entry Up and Down PlotArrows
codiff = entryUpTrend == 1 ? entryUpTrend : 0
codiff2 = entryDnTrend == 1 ? entryDnTrend : 0

//Trend Color Definition for Moving Averages and Channel
scolor = tr_up ? green : tr_down ? red : blue

barcolor(sae and pullbackUpT() ? yellow : sae and pullbackDnT() ? yellow : na)
barcolor(sce and entryUpT() ? aqua : sce and entryDnT() ? aqua : na)

//Plot 3 MA's
plot(ma1, title="Fast MA", color=scolor, style=circles, linewidth=1)
plot(ma2, title="Medium MA",color=scolor, style=circles, linewidth=2)
plot(ma3, title="Slow MA", color=scolor, style=circles, linewidth=3)

//Channel Plots
p1 = plot(upper, title="Upper Channel", color=scolor, style=line, linewidth=3)
p2 = plot(midChan, title="Upper Channel", color=silver, style=line, linewidth=1)
p3 = plot(lower, title="Lower Channel", color=scolor, style=line, linewidth=3)
fill(p1, p2, color=lime, transp=70)
fill(p2, p3, color=red, transp=70)

//Trend Triangles at Top and Bottom of Screen
plotshape(st and upTrend ? upTrend : na, title="Conservative Buy Entry Triangle",style=shape.triangleup, location=location.bottom, color=lime, transp=0, offset=0)
plotshape(st and downTrend ? downTrend : na, title="Conservative Short Entry Triangle",style=shape.triangledown, location=location.top, color=red, transp=0, offset=0)

//Plot Arrows OR Letters ↑ and ↓ for Buy Sell Signals
plotarrow(pa and codiff ? codiff : na, title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=lime, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0)
plotarrow(pa and codiff2*-1 ? codiff2*-1 : na, title="Down Entry Arrow", colordown=red, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0)
plotchar(sl and codiff ? low - tr : na, title="Buy Entry", offset=0, char='↑', location=location.absolute, color=lime, transp=0)
plotchar(sl and codiff2 ? high + tr : na, title="Short Entry", offset=0, char='↓', location=location.absolute, color=red, transp=0)

//Entry and Exit Conditions
BuyCondition = ma1 > upper and ma2 > upper and ma3 > upper and ((ma1[1] < upper) or (ma2[1] < upper) or (ma3[1] < upper)) ? 1 : 0
if (BuyCondition) == 1
    strategy.entry("Main Buy", true, stop=350)
if (BuyCondition) == 0
    strategy.close("Main Buy")


BuyCondition = ma1 > upper and ma2 > upper and ma3 > upper and ((ma1[1] < upper) or (ma2[1] < upper) or (ma3[1] < upper)) ? 1 : 0

条件付き演算子として機能するはずでしたが、メイン チャートでは買い取引が行われておらず、ストラテジー テスターの概要セクションに「データなし」と表示されています。何が間違っているのかわかりません。



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