I have a class. This class has a list of functions that are to be evaluated by a different program.

class SomeClass(object):
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.functions_to_evaluate = []

There is a function that adds functions to an instance of SomeClass, via something like:

new_function = check_number(5)

Where check_number is a function that will check if number is greater than 10, let's say.

If I take SomeClassInstance.functions_to_evaluate and print it, I get a bunch of python objects, like so:

<some_library.check_number object at 0x07B35B90>

I am wondering if it is possible for me to extract the input given to check_number, so something like:

SomeClassInstance.functions_to_evaluate[0].python_feature() that will return "5" or whatever the input to check_number was to me.


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