Algorithm question here.
I'm creating an app that shows a legal document, with tabs for navigation (TOC, bookmarks, etc). Inside the TOC tab, I need to show a multilevel table of contents. At the 'leaf' of the toc, I need to show a TextView
So, I could have:
tab1: List -> List -> List -> List -> List -> TextView
tab1: List -> List -> List -> TextView
tab1: List -> TextView
depending on the chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection structure of the book I'm showing.
Now, it doesn't matter how deep you are, the TabHost needs to be ALWAYS PRESENT, to provide the main navigation. (Yes, I asked, and I need to use the tabs, not a menu.)
The question:
How do you implement the recursive List inside the FrameLayout of a tab? Or should I use a ListView styled as tabs and just not use the TabHost?