I'm trying to get the loader transformed content of files after a certain loader in a webpack plugin has done its job. This would usually be ideal for another loader, but I also need access to a hook that is called when the translation process is over (hence the choice for writing a plugin instead). Do I need a different hook than emit
and what are the properties of the arguments that give access to the transformed file content?
compiler.plugin('done', () => {
// some finalization code
compiler.plugin('emit', (compilation, callback) => {
compilation.chunks.forEach((chunk) => {
chunk.forEachModule((module) => {
let filename = module.resource;
// I could load filename from the filesystem, but I need the content
// of the file that's gone through the loader pipeline (ideally
// after a certain loader, but I think at the end of the
// pipeline would also be fine).
I'm using webpack 3, but I should be able to translate from webpack 4 solutions.