I would like to create a payment method in my Android app, like the one in Google Photos: I want to ask the shipping address and update dynamically the shipping cost according to the country.

I follow the Google Pay documentation but it doesn't give any explanation of how to set the callbacks like, for example, is explained in the Google Pay web documentation. I also tried to look for some tutorials but seems that no one tried to do what I'm trying to do.

For example I would like to show an error like this picture

When I try to create the JSON to add the callback, Google pay crashes without giving any log, neither with adb -d logcat -s WalletMerchantError

JSONObject paymentDataRequestJSON = new JSONObject()
                .put("apiVersion", 2)
                .put("apiVersionMinor", 0)
                .put("allowedPaymentMethods", new JSONArray()
                .put("transactionInfo", transactionInfo)
                //.put("merchantInfo", merchantInfo) // TODO
                .put("callbackIntents", new JSONArray()
                .put("shippingAddressRequired", true);

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