I am trying to write "bootstrapper" script which parses and passes arguments into further applications in my framework. The minimal, reproducable example below, actual application is much more complicated
The basic syntax for that script is
bootstrapper.bat type command "foo=1" "bar=test2" "baz=true"
and it should call
type/command.bat 1 test2 true
The problematic fragment is this nested for-loop:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem this is actually fetched elsewhere in live app
set procedure_arguments_count=3
set arguments=
for /L %%L in (1,1,!procedure_arguments_count!) do (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%~3") do set arguments=!arguments! %%b
shift /3
echo !arguments!
The problem is arguments
are equals to 1 1 1
instead of 1 test2 true
after executing this loop.
I believe the inner loop is pre-populated with %~3
being set as foo=1
and ignoring the shift command. I cannot change shift
as I need to support 9+ arguments, nor can I remove outer loop (for other reasons).
The question is - can I have delayed expansion for script arguments?