out = out + "<b>Select Box Information</b><br><br> The name of the select box is: skeletor. A play on the word selector.<br>"
out = out + "The options for the select box are, Default Value, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4 and Option 5.<br>"
out = out + "The values for each option, from top to bottom, are: " + lucy.skeletor.option(0) + ", "
out = out + lucy.skeletor.option(1) + ", " + lucy.skeletor.option(2) + ", " + lucy.skeletor.option(3)
out = out + ", " + lucy.skeletor.option(4) + ".<br><br>"
out = out + "The index of the first option in the select box is: 0. The location of the user-selected option is: " + lucy.skeletor.value + ".<br><br>"