Compact Framework.Net 2 SP 2を使用して、現在発生している問題について誰かが助けてくれることを願っています。
'Text used in this example:
'TextBox1qwertyuiop lkjhgfdsazxcvbnm1234567890 TextBo
'x1qwer tyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvb nm1234567890
'End of exmaple text.
Me.Textbox2.Text = Me.Textbox1.Text
Dim pobjGraphic As Graphics = Me.Textbox2.Parent.CreateGraphics()
Dim pobjSize As SizeF
'Padding values:
Dim piTop As Int32 = 4 'top of text and top of textbox
Dim piBottom As Int32 = 3 'bottom of text and top of textbox
Dim piLines As Int32 = 0
'Based on the font size chosen by the user, create a font to perform the calculation with.
Dim piFontSize As Single = 10
If Me.CheckBox1.Checked.Equals(True) Then
piFontSize = 6
ElseIf Me.CheckBox2.Checked.Equals(True) Then
piFontSize = 8
ElseIf Me.CheckBox3.Checked.Equals(True) Then
piFontSize = 12
piFontSize = 10
End If
Dim pobjFont As New Font("Tahoma", piFontSize, FontStyle.Regular)
'Calculate the height of one line.
pobjSize = pobjGraphic.MeasureString("HELLO WORLD", pobjFont)
'Value of pobjSize returned: {Width = 71.0 Height = 13.0}
'Calculate the number of lines
Dim b As Bitmap
b = New Bitmap(1, 1, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb)
'Calculate the number of lines required to display the text properly based on the lenght of the text the width of the control.
'Length of text to show divide by the width of the textbox
piLines = Graphics.FromImage(b).MeasureString(Me.Textbox2.Text, pobjFont).Width / Me.Textbox2.Width
'Value of piLines returned: 2
If piLines = 0 Then
piLines = 1
End If
'Calculate the size of the text to be displayed using the margins, height of one line and number of lines.
Me.Textbox2.Height = (pobjSize.Height * piLines) + piTop + piBottom
' value produced: 33 = (13 * 2) + 4 + 3
'set font of text box
Me.Textbox2.Font = pobjFont
最後に、これはp / invokeを使用したCOREDLL.dllの呼び出しを使用して実現できることを知っていますが、これを行うとアプリケーションがクラッシュします。
<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll.dll")> _
Private Function SendMessage( _
ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, _
ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Integer
End Function
<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll.dll")> _
Private Function GetCapture() As IntPtr
End Function
<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll.dll")> _
Private Function ReleaseCapture() As Boolean
End Function
Public Function GetNumberOfLines(ByVal ptxtCountBox As TextBox) As Integer
Dim hnd As IntPtr = New IntPtr
ptxtCountBox.Capture = True
' Capture the textbox handle.
hnd = GetCapture()
ptxtCountBox.Capture = False
' Get the count of the lines in the box.
Dim plCount As Integer = SendMessage(ptxtCountBox.Handle, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)
' Count the number of return lines as we minus this from the total lines to take.
plCount = plCount - (CharCount(ptxtCountBox.Text, vbCrLf, False))
plCount += RemoveNonASCIIReturns(ptxtCountBox)
hnd = Nothing
' Return the line count.
Return plCount
Catch ex As Exception
GenerateError(msCLASS_NAME, "GetNumberOfLines", ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
End Function