I'm trying to write a Micronaut Data JPA finder that finds all employees that match to a list of strings.

Given the following employees (first name, last name)

  • John Doe
  • Jane Doe
  • Peter Pan
  • Silvio Wangler
  • Franka Potente
  • Frank Potter

Lets pretend a user queries the system with a query like Silvio then the result should be

  • Employee: Silvio Wangler

If the query is Frank the result should be

  • Employee: Franka Potente
  • Employee: Frank Potter

And if the query is frank pot the result should as well (case insensitive like)

  • Employee: Franka Potente
  • Employee: Frank Potter

I managed to write a finder for a single string as listed below

Page<Employee> findAllByLastNameIlikeOrFirstNameIlike(
      String lastName, String firstName, Pageable pageable);

For a query like frank pot I would like to tokenize/split the string to a list ["frank", "pot"] and was wondering if I could implement something like

Page<Employee> findAllByLastNameIlikeOrFirstNameIlike(
      List<String> lastName, List<String> firstName, Pageable pageable);

or even better use the Criteria API of JPA. How would you implementent such a search finder? Can you point me the direction?


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