少し前に、C++ で五目並べに似たゲームを作成しました。
今、私はそれをプレーヤー対コンピューターにしたいと考えています。ランダムなセルを選択するコンピューターの機能を作成することで、最も簡単な方法でそれを実行しようとしましたが、まだ成功していません。乱数を取得するために rand() を使用でき、文字には次のようなものがあることを理解しました。
char letters[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char x = letters[rand() % 26];
誰かが私を助けて、コンピュータープレーヤーを実装する方法を説明できますか? これはこれまでの私の実装です:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void print_table(int x[][15]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {//the loop that use to print out the english character row
if (i == 0)
cout << setw(4) << "A";
else if (i == 1)
cout << " B";
else if (i == 2)
cout << " C";
else if (i == 3)
cout << " D";
else if (i == 4)
cout << " E";
else if (i == 5)
cout << " F";
else if (i == 6)
cout << " G";
else if (i == 7)
cout << " H";
else if (i == 8)
cout << " I";
else if (i == 9)
cout << " J";
else if (i == 10)
cout << " K";
else if (i == 11)
cout << " L";
else if (i == 12)
cout << " M";
else if (i == 13)
cout << " N";
else if (i == 14)
cout << " O";
else if (i == 15)
cout << " P";
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
cout << setw(2) << i;//print out the row number
for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) {//print out the board game.
if (x[i][j] == 0) {//the inital value is 0, so when the block is 0 then print out the '.'
cout << " .";
else if (x[i][j] == 1) {//when the player O input the block then the value will adding one then if check the block is one then output the 'o'
cout << " O";
else if (x[i][j] == 2) {//when the player X input the block then the value will adding two then if check the block is two then output the 'x'
cout << " X";
cout << endl;
int check_player(int p) {
if (p == 1) {//change the player everytime before the next loop compile
else {
return p;
void input_value(int &t, int &n, int p, int x[][15]) {
char eng;
int number;
do {//the loop that ask for the user input the location.
cout << "player ";
if (p == 1) {
cout << "O";
else {
cout << "X";
cout << ", make a move: ";
cin >> eng;//input the location
cin >> number;
if (eng == 'A')//change the character to different number
t = 0;
else if (eng == 'B')
t = 1;
else if (eng == 'C')
t = 2;
else if (eng == 'D')
t = 3;
else if (eng == 'E')
t = 4;
else if (eng == 'F')
t = 5;
else if (eng == 'G')
t = 6;
else if (eng == 'H')
t = 7;
else if (eng == 'I')
t = 8;
else if (eng == 'J')
t = 9;
else if (eng == 'K')
t = 10;
else if (eng == 'L')
t = 11;
else if (eng == 'M')
t = 12;
else if (eng == 'N')
t = 13;
else if (eng == 'O')
t = 14;
if (!(eng >= 'A'&&eng <= 'M') || !(number >= 0 && number <= 14) || x[number][t] != 0) {//when the input wrong, output the statement to ask anouther input and loop again.
cout << "Invaid input, Try again!" << endl;
else {//if no problem then this input loop is break and jump to the next statement
} while (1);//Because it will break as well so the do-while loop is no any requirement
n = number;
int main() {
const int num = 15;//the number for constant the array row and column value
char check_e;//for the user input the column
int R[num][num] = { 0 }, check_n, player = 1, buger = 0, transfer, playerO_win = 0, playerX_win = 0, draw = 0, check_draw;//the variable that for user input or checking the game statment
do {//launch the loop for the user input again and again
check_draw = 0;//reset the checking of draw
input_value(transfer, check_n, player, R);
R[check_n][transfer] += player;//change the value according the player's input and the player name.
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
if (i <= 8 && R[j][i] != 0 && (R[j][i] == R[j][i + 1] && R[j][i] == R[j][i + +2] && R[j][i] == R[j][i + 3] && R[j][i] == R[j][i + 4])) {//the checking for the row bingo
if (R[j][i] == 1) {
else {
else if (j <= 8 && R[j][i] != 0 && (R[j][i] == R[j + 1][i] && R[j][i] == R[j + 2][i] && R[j][i] == R[j + 3][i] && R[j][i] == R[j + 4][i])) {//the checking for the column bingo
if (R[j][i] == 1) {
else {
else if (j <= 8 && i <= 8 && R[j][i] != 0 && (R[j][i] == R[j + 1][i + 1] && R[j][i] == R[j + 2][i + 2] && R[j][i] == R[j + 3][i + 3] && R[j][i] == R[j + 4][i + 4])) {//the checking for the \ situation.
if (R[j][i] == 1) {
else {
else if ((j >= 4 || i >= 4 || i <= 8) && R[j][i] != 0 && (R[j][i] == R[j - 1][i + 1] && R[j][i] == R[j - 2][i + 2] && R[j][i] == R[j - 3][i + 3] && R[j][i] == R[j - 4][i + 4])) {//the checking for the / situation
if (R[j][i] == 1) {
else {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {//the loop for checking the draw
for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {//this loop will check for every time compilation.
if (R[j][i] == 0)//when there are any empty block then the check_draw will adding, the draw situation is the check_draw be 0
if (check_draw == 0) {//when the check_draw equal to 0 which mean the situation is no empty block
if (playerO_win != 0 || playerX_win != 0 || draw == 1)//break the second loop
if (playerO_win == 1 && playerX_win == 0) {// when the player win print the block game again and print out the win statement
cout << "player O wins!" << endl;
else if (playerX_win == 1 && playerO_win == 0) {//the other player win the game
cout << "player X wins!" << endl;
else if (draw == 1) {//the draw block game print
cout << "Draw game!" << endl;
player = check_player(player);
} while (1);//in fact it is no need for the loop statement, because most of the situation will have a break statement for out of the loop
return 0;