In some regions, the Availability Zones are far enough that latencies may suffer for some workloads. In order to mitigate latency issues on our apps in Azure, we are considering pinning all our VMs in a given Availability Zone.

This should also have the benefits of having a better control over the cost of data transfer billing between Virtual machines across availability zones that will start in a few months.

However, it is not crystal clear in Azure documentation, but Availability Sets and Availability Zones cannot be set on the same VM, so if we pin all our VMs in a Zone, we cannot use Availability Sets anymore, and we lose the guarantees regarding SLAs.

VM を Azure の単一のゾーンにコロケーションしようとして、そのような条件下でクラスター化されたワークロードの高可用性を実現するためのヒントを共有できる人はいますか?


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