私は7 日間で自分自身に WeChat フルスタック プログラミングを教えます: NodeJS と Feathers v2 を使用する WeChat MiniProgram を使用します。本の認証は次のとおりです。

   const authentication = require('@feathersjs/authentication')
   const jwt = require('@feathersjs/authentication-jwt')
   const local = require('@feathersjs/authentication-local')
   const { Verifier } = require('@feathersjs/authentication-jwt')
   const errors = require('@feathersjs/errors')
   const rp = require('request-promise-native')
   const crypto = require('crypto')
   console.log('This is the print out of Verifier',typeof authentication)
   // console.log('This is the print out of Verifier',local)
   const appId = '...'
   const appSecret = '...'

   class CustomVerifier extends Verifier {
     verify(req, email,password, done) {//email and password are ignored
       if (!req.query.code || !req.query.encryptedData || !req.query.iv){
         return Promise.reject(new errors.BadRequest(
           'Error in authentication: missing referId, code, encryptedData or iv'))
       let decoded = null
       let openId = null
       let userInfo = null
       return rp({
         uri: 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2session'+`?appid=${appId}&secret=${appSecret}&js_code=${req.query.code}&grant_type=authentication_code`,
         json: true
         .then(res => {
           let sessionKey = new Buffer(res.session_key,'base64')
           let newEncryptedData = new Buffer(req.query.encryptedData,'base64')
           let newIv = new Buffer(req.query.iv,'base64')
             let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc',sessionKey, newIv)
             decoded = decipher.update(newEncryptedData,'binary','utf8')
             decoded += decipher.final('utf8')
             decoded = JSON.parse(decoded)
           } catch(err){
             return Promise.reject(new errors.BadRequest('Error in wxDecode when decoding:',err))
           openId = decoded.openId
           userInfo = {
             wxAvatarUrl: decoded.avatarUrl,
             wxNickName : decoded.nickName,
             bMale : decoded.gender == 1,
             wxLanguage : decoded.language,
             wxCity : decoded.city,
             wxProvince : decoded.province,
             wxCountry : decoded.country,
           return this.service.find({ query: {wxOpenId: openId, $limit: 1}})
         .then(res =>{
           if (res.data.length > 0 )
             return this.service.patch(res.data[0].id, userInfo)
           else // new user
             return this.service.create(Object.assign(userInfo, { wxOpenId: openId}))
         .then(res =>{
           let id = res.id
           let payload = {[`${this.options.entity}Id`]:id}
         .catch(err => {
   module.exports = function(){
     const app = this
     console.log('This is the print out of apppp ',app)
     const config = app.get('authentication')
     console.log('This is the print out of conggggg ',config)
     app.configure(jwt({ Verifier: CustomVerifier }))
       before: {
         create: [authentication.hooks.authenticate(config.strategies)],
         remove: [authentication.hooks.authenticate('jwt')]

著者のジェフ・マーは、以下のようにフェザー v4 の認証を送ってくれました::

   const { AuthenticationService, JWTStrategy } = require('@feathersjs/authentication')
   const { LocalStrategy } = require('@feathersjs/authentication-local')
   const { expressOauth } = require('@feathersjs/authentication-oauth')

   class MyAuthService extends AuthenticationService{
     async getPayload(authResult, params){
       const payload = await super.getPayload(authResult, params)
       const {user} = authResult
       if (user) {
         user.serverPrefix = this.app.get('serverPrefix')
         payload.user = user
       return payload
     async authenticate(data, params, ...strategies){
       if (data.strategies === 'local'){ // not 'jwt
         if (data.type !== 'account' && data.username === 'system'){
           throw new Error ('Only the special people can come in ')
       return super.authenticate(data, params, ...strategies)

   module.exports = app => {
     const authentication = new MyAuthService(app)

     authentication.register('jwt', new JWTStrategy())
     authentication.register('local', new LocalStrategy())

     app.use('/authentication', authentication)

NodeJS、npm、フェザー、ミニプログラムを使用して、このフレームワークを初めて使用します。私は Django と Python でいくつかの作業を行いました。


   info: Feathers application started on http://localhost:3030
   info: Method `find` is not supported by this endpoint. {"type":"FeathersError","name":"MethodNotAllowed","code":405,"className":"method-not-allowed","errors":{}}

ミニプログラム (クライアント) からのエラー:

   VM16 asdebug.js:1 POST http://localhost:3030/authentication 500 (Internal Server Error)
   failed to call authentication:  {error: "failed to login"}
   index.js? [sm]:67 init-login err: {error: "failed to login"}




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