here's a programming style question about the best strategy to map input keys to actions in a class that implement the state pattern.
I'm dealing with two classes:
The first implements the state pattern, which controls a multi-state physical device:
class DeviceController {
State _a, _b, _current;
// Actions that may prompt a transition from one state to another
public void actionA() { ... }
public void actionB() { ... }
public void actionC() { ... }
public State getStateA() { ... }
public State getStateB() { ... }
public void setCurrentState() { ... }
The second is a KeyListener that retrieves all keyboard input and calls the appropriate action from the device controller when a pressed input key matches a (for the time being) hard-coded bindings table:
class KeyDemo implements KeyListener {
DeviceController _controller;
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) {
char key = Character.toUpperCase(arg0.getKeyChar());
switch (key) {
case 'A':
case 'B' :
Is there a best-practice coding style to bind the keys to the actions in the controller ? Do I have to go through a switch statement, as in the sample code ? It seems to me that this solution is somewhat dirty code: isn't the state pattern supposed to eliminate unmaintanable if and switch control structures ?
Thank you for your suggenstions.