開始プレーヤーを「最初の」CurrentPlayer として割り当て、プレーヤー 1 がターンを終了したら、プレーヤー 2 を CurrentPlayer として割り当てようとしています。どういうわけか、私はそれをまったく機能させることができません。
""" This is the model of the game"""
class Game:
def __init__(self, cannonSize, ballSize):
p1 = Player("blue", -90)
p2 = Player("red", 90)
self.players = [p1,p2]
self.CurrentPlayer = self.players[0]
if self.CurrentPlayer == self.players[0]:
self.OtherPlayer = self.players[1]
self.OtherPlayer = self.players[0]
if self.getCurrentPlayer == 0:
self.CurrentPlayerNumber = 0
self.CurrentPlayerNumber = 1
""" A list containing both players """
def getPlayers(self):
return self.players
""" The current player, i.e. the player whose turn it is """
def getCurrentPlayer(self):
return self.CurrentPlayer
""" The opponent of the current player """
def getOtherPlayer(self):
return self.OtherPlayer
""" The number (0 or 1) of the current player. This should be the position of the current player in getPlayers(). """
def getCurrentPlayerNumber(self):
return self.CurrentPlayerNumber
""" Switch active player """
def nextPlayer(self):
if self.CurrentPlayer == self.players[0]:
return self.CurrentPlayer == self.players[1]
return self.CurrentPlayer == self.players[0]
C:\Users\Phili\PycharmProjects\pythonLab2\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Phili/PycharmProjects/pythonLab2/testgame.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Phili\PycharmProjects\pythonLab2\testgame.py", line 181, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Phili\PycharmProjects\pythonLab2\testgame.py", line 23, in runTests
assert game.getCurrentPlayerNumber()==0, "player 0 should start!"
AssertionError: player 0 should start!
Process finished with exit code 1
以下は、完全なテスト コードです。
# A simple testing procedure for the game model
import graphics
import gamemodel
import gamegraphics
def runTests(game):
players = game.getPlayers()
assert len(players) == 2, "there should be two players"
# Testing game initialization
assert players[0].getColor()=="blue", "player 0 should be blue!"
assert players[1].getColor()=="red", "player 1 should be red!"
assert players[0].getX()== -90, "player 0 should stand at x=-90!"
assert players[1].getX()== 90, "player 1 should stand at x=90!"
assert players[0].getColor()=="blue"
assert players[1].getColor()=="red"
assert game.getCurrentPlayerNumber()==0, "player 0 should start!"
assert game.getCurrentPlayer() == players[0], "player 0 should start! (2)"
assert game.getOtherPlayer()==players[1], "getOtherPlayer() doesn't work"
assert -10 <= game.getCurrentWind() <= 10, "wind should be a random value in [-10,10]"
# Testing manually swapping player
assert game.getCurrentPlayerNumber()==1, "player 1 should go second!"
assert game.getCurrentPlayer() == players[1]
assert game.getOtherPlayer()==players[0], "getOtherPlayer() doesn't work"
# Switch back to player 0
assert game.getCurrentPlayer() == players[0], "player 0 should go after player 1!"
assert game.getOtherPlayer()==players[1], "getOtherPlayer() doesn't work"
# Turn off wind
assert game.getCurrentWind() == 0, "wind should be 0"
#Testing "Manual fire" for player 0
proj = game.getCurrentPlayer().fire(30,31)
assert (proj.getX() == game.getCurrentPlayer().getX()), "Fired projectile should start at player X-position"
assert (proj.getY() == 10/2), "Fired projectile Y-position should start half the cannon size"
assert (proj.isMoving()), "projectile should be moving"
assert game.getCurrentPlayer().getAim() == (30,31), "After firing, getAim() should give the latest (angle,velocity)-values"
assert (abs(proj.getX() + 63.1532124826824) < 0.01), "Projectile X-Position is {0:f}, should be -63.153212".format(proj.getX())
assert (abs(proj.getY() - 15.6) < 0.01), "Projectile X-Position is {0:f}, should be 15.6".format(proj.getY())
assert (proj.isMoving()), "projectile should be moving"
ticks = 0
while proj.isMoving():
ticks += 1
assert ticks <= 25, "projectile should have stopped now..."
assert ticks == 25, "Incorrect tick-count"
assert proj.getY()==0.0, "projectile should stop at y=0"
assert abs(proj.getX() - 3.9637563106115907) < 0.01, "Projectile X-Position is {0:f}, should be -3.9637563106115907".format(proj.getX())
assert abs(players[1].projectileDistance(proj) - -78.03624368938841) < 0.01, "Projectile X-distance to player is {0:f}, should be -78.03624368938841".format(players[1].projectileDistance(proj))
assert abs(players[0].projectileDistance(proj) - 85.96375631061159) < 0.01, "Projectile X-distance to player is {0:f}, should be 85.96375631061159".format(players[0].projectileDistance(proj))
#Switching to player 1
assert game.getCurrentPlayerNumber()==1, "player 1 should go after player 0"
assert game.getCurrentPlayer() == players[1], "player 1 should go after player 0"
assert game.getOtherPlayer()==players[0], "getOtherPlayer() doesn't work"
#Testing "Manual fire" for player 1
proj = game.getCurrentPlayer().fire(45,41)
assert(proj.getX() == game.getCurrentPlayer().getX()), "Fired projectile should start at player X-position"
assert(proj.getY() == 10/2), "Fired projectile Y-position should start half the cannon size"
assert(proj.isMoving()), "projectile should be moving"
ticks = 0
while proj.isMoving():
ticks += 1
assert ticks <= 61, "projectile should have stopped now..."
assert ticks == 61, "Incorrect tick-count"
assert proj.getY()==0.0, "projectile should always stop at y=0"
assert abs(proj.getX() - -86.84740597475547) < 0.01, "Projectile X-Position is {0:f}, should be -86.84740597475547".format(proj.getX())
assert abs(players[1].projectileDistance(proj) - -168.84740597475547) < 0.01, "Projectile X-distance to player is {0:f}, should be 168.84740597475547".format(players[1].projectileDistance(proj))
assert players[0].projectileDistance(proj) == 0, "Projectile X-distance to player is {0:f}, should be 0".format(players[1].projectileDistance(proj))
# Test scoring
assert players[0].getScore()==0, "Initial score should be 0"
assert players[1].getScore()==0, "Score should be 0"
assert players[0].getScore()==1, "Score should be 1"
# Test new round
assert game.getCurrentWind()==1000, "Failed to set wind speed"
assert game.getCurrentWind()!=1000, "Wind should be randomized each round"
# Test firing with wind
proj = players[0].fire(45,41)
assert(proj.getX() == players[0].getX()), "Fired projectile should start at player X-position"
assert(proj.getY() == 10/2), "Fired projectile Y-position should start half the cannon size"
assert(proj.isMoving()), "projectile should be moving"
ticks = 0
while proj.isMoving():
ticks += 1
assert ticks <= 61, "projectile should have stopped now..."
assert ticks == 61, "Incorrect tick-count"
assert abs(proj.getX() - 68.2424059747553) < 0.01, "Projectile X-Position is {0:f}, should be 68.2424059747553".format(proj.getX())
# A few additional hints
gameAtts = len(game.__dict__.items())
if (gameAtts > 5):
print("Your Game object has {} attributes. This isn't necessarily wrong, but 5 seems like a nice number.".format(gameAtts))
print("Make sure you are not representing the same information in multiple attributes.")
playerAtts = len(game.getCurrentPlayer().__dict__.items())
if (playerAtts > 8):
print("Your Player object has {} attributes. This isn't necessarily wrong, but it seems a bit high.".format(playerAtts))
def testGraphics():
game = gamemodel.Game(10,3)
ggame = gamegraphics.GameGraphics(game)
# For these tests to work, you need to have a getWindow-method in GraphicGame
w = ggame.getWindow()
if ggame.getWindow() is None:
print("No game window yet, aborting graphics tests")
circ_type = type(graphics.Circle(graphics.Point(0,0), 10))
rect_type = type(graphics.Rectangle(graphics.Point(0,0), graphics.Point(1,1)))
if len(w.items) != 5:
print("WARNING: your graphics does not start with five graphical components. This is likely an error.")
# Run the standard tests for the model, then sync graphics
if len(w.items) != 7:
print("WARNING: your graphics does not have seven graphical components after syncing. This is likely an error.")
everything = w.items
circles = [x for x in w.items if type(x) == circ_type]
rectangles = [x for x in w.items if type(x) == rect_type]
assert len(rectangles) == 2, "there should be two rectangles in the graphics"
assert len(circles) == 2, "there should be two circles drawn after running tests"
rect_pos = [x.getCenter().getX() for x in rectangles]
assert -90 in rect_pos and 90 in rect_pos, "rectangles should be at x=-90 and x=90"
# Fire a red projectile and move it a bit
game.getCurrentPlayer().fire(30, 30).update(2)
circles = [x for x in w.items if type(x) == circ_type]
assert len(circles) <= 2, "there should never be more than two circles! You need to undraw old cannonballs"
# If your graphical window or close immediately after running test, try uncommenting this
#wait = input("Press Enter to terminate.")
このエラーメッセージが表示される理由を知っている人はいますか? self.CurrentPlayer に基づいて self.CurrentPlayerNumber を割り当てるべきだと思います。