フラグメントシェーダーを介して独自のカスタム glBlendFunc を実行しようとしていますが、正確なブレンド機能を実行する場合でも、私のソリューションはネイティブの glBlendFunc よりもはるかに遅くなります。
void draw(fbo fbos[2], render_item item)
// fbos[0] is the render target
// fbos[1] is the previous render target used to read "background" to blend against in shader
// Both fbos have exactly the same content, however they need to be different since we can't both read and write to the same texture. The texture we render to needs to have the entire content since we might not draw geometry everywhere.
fbos[0]->attach(); // Attach fbo
fbos[1]->bind(1); // Bind as texture 1
glCopyTexSubImage2D(...); // copy from fbos[0] to fbos[1], fbos[1] == fbos[0]
vec4 blend_color(vec4 fore)
vec4 back = texture2D(background, gl_TexCoord[1].st); // background is read from texture "1"
return vec4(mix(back.rgb, fore.rgb, fore.a), back.a + fore.a);