スレッド セーフになるように、「従来の」銀行口座 kataを F# でコーディングしました。MailboxProcessorしかし、トランザクションをアカウントに追加することを並列化しようとすると、非常に遅く、非常に速くなります: 10 個の並列呼び出しが応答し (2 ミリ秒)、20 個が応答しません (9 秒)! (下の最後のテストを参照Account can be updated from multiple threads)

MailboxProcessor1 秒あたり 3000 万のメッセージをサポートしているので( theburningmonk の記事を参照)、問題はどこから来るのでしょうか?

// -- Domain ----

type Message =
    | Open of AsyncReplyChannel<bool>
    | Close of AsyncReplyChannel<bool>
    | Balance of AsyncReplyChannel<decimal option>
    | Transaction of decimal * AsyncReplyChannel<bool>

type AccountState = { Opened: bool; Transactions: decimal list }

type Account() =
    let agent = MailboxProcessor<Message>.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop (state: AccountState) =
            async {
                let! message = inbox.Receive()
                match message with
                | Close channel ->
                    channel.Reply state.Opened
                    return! loop { state with Opened = false }
                | Open channel ->
                    printfn $"Opening"
                    channel.Reply (not state.Opened)
                    return! loop { state with Opened = true }
                | Transaction (tran, channel) ->
                    printfn $"Adding transaction {tran}, nb = {state.Transactions.Length}"
                    channel.Reply true
                    return! loop { state with Transactions = tran :: state.Transactions }
                | Balance channel ->
                    let balance =
                        if state.Opened then
                            state.Transactions |> List.sum |> Some
                    balance |> channel.Reply
                    return! loop state
        loop { Opened = false; Transactions = [] }

    member _.Open () = agent.PostAndReply(Open)
    member _.Close () = agent.PostAndReply(Close)
    member _.Balance () = agent.PostAndReply(Balance)
    member _.Transaction (transaction: decimal) =
        agent.PostAndReply(fun channel -> Transaction (transaction, channel))

// -- API ----

let mkBankAccount = Account

let openAccount (account: Account) =
    match account.Open() with
    | true -> Some account
    | false -> None

let closeAccount (account: Account option) =
    account |> Option.bind (fun a ->
        match a.Close() with
        | true -> Some a
        | false -> None)

let updateBalance transaction (account: Account option) =
    account |> Option.bind (fun a ->
        match a.Transaction(transaction) with
        | true -> Some a
        | false -> None)

let getBalance (account: Account option) =
    account |> Option.bind (fun a -> a.Balance())
// -- Tests ----

let should_equal expected actual =
    if expected = actual then
        Ok expected
        Error (expected, actual)

let should_not_equal expected actual =
    if expected <> actual then
        Ok expected
        Error (expected, actual)

let ``Returns empty balance after opening`` =
    let account = mkBankAccount() |> openAccount
    getBalance account |> should_equal (Some 0.0m)

let ``Check basic balance`` =
    let account = mkBankAccount() |> openAccount
    let openingBalance = account |> getBalance
    let updatedBalance =
        |> updateBalance 10.0m
        |> getBalance
    openingBalance |> should_equal (Some 0.0m),
    updatedBalance |> should_equal (Some 10.0m)

let ``Balance can increment or decrement`` =
    let account = mkBankAccount() |> openAccount
    let openingBalance = account |> getBalance
    let addedBalance =
        |> updateBalance 10.0m
        |> getBalance
    let subtractedBalance =
        |> updateBalance -15.0m
        |> getBalance
    openingBalance |> should_equal (Some 0.0m),
    addedBalance |> should_equal (Some 10.0m),
    subtractedBalance |> should_equal (Some -5.0m)

let ``Account can be closed`` =
    let account =
        |> openAccount
        |> closeAccount
    getBalance account |> should_equal None,
    account |> should_not_equal None

let ``Account can be updated from multiple threads`` =
    let account =
        |> openAccount
    let updateAccountAsync =
        async {
            |> updateBalance 1.0m
            |> ignore
    let nb = 10 //  10 is quick (2ms), 20 is so long (9s)
    |> List.replicate nb
    |> Async.Parallel
    |> Async.RunSynchronously
    |> ignore
    getBalance account |> should_equal (Some (decimal nb))

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