別々のサーバーでWebSpherePortal7とWCM7を使用しています。ポータルサーバーでWCMコンテンツをレンダリングできるようにWSRPを設定しました。私が抱えている問題は、JSR 286 Webコンテンツビューアの推奨設定(ダイナミックリンクブロードキャスト機能をオフにするため)が、ページの残りの部分のリンクを壊してしまうことです。この機能をオンにすると、他のリンクは機能しますが、WCMコンテンツのリンクは失敗します。(他の仮想ポータルまたはマップされたURLへの)すべてのローカルリンクは、WsrpProxyPortletを通過するように(ポータルによって)書き換えられますが、そうする必要はありません。
| Broadcast links to | Receive links from | Portal | WCM | Comment |
| | Other portlets and | No | Yes | Portal links to the page with this |
| | this portlet | | | setting do not work |
| Dynamically select a +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Web content page | This portlet only | Yes | No | WCM Links do not work at all |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | None | Yes | No | WCM Links do not work at all |
| | Other portlets and | No | Yes | Portal links to the page with this |
| | this portlet | | | setting do not work |
| This portal page +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | This portlet only | Yes | No | WCM Links do not work at all |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | None | Yes | No | WCM Links do not work at all |
| | Other portlets and | No | Yes* | Portal links to this page do not work.|
| | this portlet | | | WCM and Portal links on this page |
| | | | | works, once you get to it. |
| The following portal +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| page | This portlet only | Yes | No | WCM Links do not work at all |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | None | No* | No | Portal links only work if in the |
| | | | | same context |
| | Other portlets and | No* | No* | Neither Portal, nor WCM, links to the |
| | this portlet | | | page work as they should. You can |
| | | | | only get to the page through a |
| | | | | sequence of other pages. Once you get |
| | | | | to it WCM links work, but links to |
| None | | | | other Portal pages break. |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | This portlet only | No | No | No way to get to this page. |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | None | No* | No | Portal links to the page work, but |
| | | | | links from the page do not. |