stdint.h ライブラリの uint32_t タイプを使用すると問題が発生します。次のコードを実行すると (Ubuntu Linux 11.10 x86_64、g++ バージョン 4.6.1):
#include "stdint.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
typedef struct{
// api identifier
uint8_t api_id;
uint8_t frame_id;
uint32_t dest_addr_64_h;
uint32_t dest_addr_64_l;
uint16_t dest_addr_16;
uint8_t broadcast_radius;
uint8_t options;
// packet fragmentation
uint16_t order_index;
uint16_t total_packets;
uint8_t rf_data[];
} xbee_tx_a;
typedef struct{
// api identifier
uint8_t api_id;
uint8_t frame_id;
uint16_t dest_addr_64_h;
uint16_t dest_addr_64_l;
uint16_t dest_addr_16;
uint8_t broadcast_radius;
uint8_t options;
// packet fragmentation
uint16_t order_index;
uint16_t total_packets;
uint8_t rf_data[];
} xbee_tx_b;
int main(int argc, char**argv){
xbee_tx_a a;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a "<<sizeof (xbee_tx_a)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.api_id "<<sizeof (a.api_id)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.frame_id "<<sizeof (a.frame_id)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.dest_addr_64_h "<<sizeof (a.dest_addr_64_h)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.dest_addr_64_l "<<sizeof (a.dest_addr_64_l)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.dest_addr_16 "<<sizeof (a.dest_addr_16)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.broadcast_radius "<<sizeof (a.broadcast_radius)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.options "<<sizeof (a.options)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.order_index "<<sizeof (a.order_index)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.total_packets "<<sizeof (a.total_packets)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_a.rf_data "<<sizeof (a.rf_data)<<std::endl;
xbee_tx_b b;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b "<<sizeof (xbee_tx_b)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.api_id "<<sizeof (b.api_id)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.frame_id "<<sizeof (b.frame_id)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.dest_addr_64_h "<<sizeof (b.dest_addr_64_h)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.dest_addr_64_l "<<sizeof (b.dest_addr_64_l)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.dest_addr_16 "<<sizeof (b.dest_addr_16)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.broadcast_radius "<<sizeof (b.broadcast_radius)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.options "<<sizeof (b.options)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.order_index "<<sizeof (b.order_index)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.total_packets "<<sizeof (b.total_packets)<<std::endl;
cout<<"size of xbee_tx_b.rf_data "<<sizeof (b.rf_data)<<std::endl;
size of xbee_tx_a 20
size of xbee_tx_a.api_id 1
size of xbee_tx_a.frame_id 1
size of xbee_tx_a.dest_addr_64_h 4
size of xbee_tx_a.dest_addr_64_l 4
size of xbee_tx_a.dest_addr_16 2
size of xbee_tx_a.broadcast_radius 1
size of xbee_tx_a.options 1
size of xbee_tx_a.order_index 2
size of xbee_tx_a.total_packets 2
size of xbee_tx_a.rf_data 0
size of xbee_tx_b 14
size of xbee_tx_b.api_id 1
size of xbee_tx_b.frame_id 1
size of xbee_tx_b.dest_addr_64_h 2
size of xbee_tx_b.dest_addr_64_l 2
size of xbee_tx_b.dest_addr_16 2
size of xbee_tx_b.broadcast_radius 1
size of xbee_tx_b.options 1
size of xbee_tx_b.order_index 2
size of xbee_tx_b.total_packets 2
size of xbee_tx_b.rf_data 0
xbee_tx_b の場合、メンバーのサイズは構造体のサイズに加算されます (14)
xbee_tx_a の場合、メンバーのサイズは最大 18 バイトになりますが、構造体のサイズは 20 バイトです!
xbee_tx_a と xbee_tx_b の唯一の違いは、dest_addr_64_X メンバーのタイプです。xbee_tx_a の uint32_t と xbee_tx_b の uint16_t です。uint32_t を使用すると、構造体のサイズがメンバーのサイズの合計よりも大きくなるのはなぜですか? これらの余分な 2 バイトはどこから来るのでしょうか?