だから、私はHaskellとそのコミュニティに不慣れです。mongodb に基づく JSON API を作成したいと考えています。Mongo と JSON は (少なくともノードでは) 適切です。ドキュメントを "バイナリ json" である BSON に格納するため、JSON に変換するのは簡単です。
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
-- https://github.com/mailrank/aeson/blob/master/examples/Demo.hs
-- cabal install aeson
-- cabal install mongoDb
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as T
import Data.Attoparsec (parse, Result(..))
import Data.Attoparsec.Number (Number(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
-- Aeson's "encode" to JSON generates lazy bytestrings
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.CompactString as CS
import Database.MongoDB
import Data.Bson
import qualified Data.Bson as Bson
import qualified Data.Vector
import GHC.Int
-- Is there a better way to convert between string representations?
csToTxt :: UString -> Text.Text
csToTxt cs = Text.pack $ CS.unpack cs
bsToTxt :: BS.ByteString -> Text.Text
bsToTxt bs = Text.pack $ BS.unpack bs
fieldToPair :: Field -> T.Pair
fieldToPair f = key .= val
where key = csToTxt $ label f
val = toJSON (value f)
instance ToJSON Field where
toJSON f = object [fieldToPair f]
-- Is this what I'm supposed to do? Just go through and map everything?
instance ToJSON Data.Bson.Value where
toJSON (Float f) = T.Number $ D f
toJSON (Bson.String s) = T.String $ csToTxt s
toJSON (Bson.Array xs) = T.Array $ Data.Vector.fromList (map toJSON xs)
toJSON (Doc fs) = object $ map fieldToPair fs
toJSON (Uuid (UUID bs)) = T.String $ bsToTxt bs
toJSON (Bson.Bool b) = T.Bool b
toJSON (Int32 i) = T.Number (I (fromIntegral i))
toJSON (Int64 i) = T.Number (I (fromIntegral i))
toJSON (ObjId (Oid w32 w64)) = T.String "look up GHC.Word.Word32 and GHC.Word.Word64"
toJSON (UTC time) = T.String "look up Data.Time.Clock.UTC.UTCTime"
toJSON (Md5 m) = T.Null
toJSON (UserDef u) = T.Null
toJSON (Bin b) = T.Null
toJSON (Fun f) = T.Null
toJSON Bson.Null = T.Null
toJSON (RegEx r) = T.Null
toJSON (JavaScr j) = T.Null
toJSON (Sym s) = T.Null
toJSON (Stamp s) = T.Null
toJSON (MinMax mm) = T.Null
-- Data.Bson.Value and T.Value for reference
-- data Data.Bson.Value
-- = Float Double
-- | Data.Bson.String UString
-- | Doc Document
-- | Data.Bson.Array [Data.Bson.Value]
-- | Bin Binary
-- | Fun Function
-- | Uuid UUID
-- | Md5 MD5
-- | UserDef UserDefined
-- | ObjId ObjectId
-- | Data.Bson.Bool Bool
-- | UTC time-
-- | Data.Bson.Null
-- | RegEx Regex
-- | JavaScr Javascript
-- | Sym Symbol
-- | Int32 GHC.Int.Int32
-- | Int64 GHC.Int.Int64
-- | Stamp MongoStamp
-- | MinMax MinMaxKey
-- data T.Value
-- = Object Object
-- | T.Array Array
-- | T.String Text.Text
-- | Number Data.Attoparsec.Number.Number
-- | T.Bool !Bool
-- | T.Null
main ::IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "testing again: " ++ BSL.unpack (encode ["Hello", "I", "am", "angry"])
let field = "key" =: "value"
print field
print $ label field
putStrLn $ CS.unpack $ label field
putStrLn $ show "asdf"
-- Getting close
putStrLn $ "testing again: " ++ BSL.unpack (encode ["hello" =: "world", "num" =: 10.05, "num2" =: 5, "sub" =: ["doc","charlie"], "bool" =: False])
putStrLn $ "testing again: " ++ BSL.unpack (encode ["hello" =: "world", "sub" =: ["one" =: 1, "two" =: 2]])
これらと同じくらい似ている 2 つの型の間をマッピングするより良い方法はありますか?
2 つの文字列の実装間でマッピングするより良い方法はありますか?
これを終えたら、どこに住むべきですか?JSON または BSON/MongoDB プロジェクトのいずれかに属していますか、それとも独自のモジュールとして公開する必要がありますか?