/* My 10 seconds timer */
t = new javax.swing.Timer(10000, new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
フォローアップ:(良いサイト:http ://www.debianhelp.co.uk/networktools1.htm )
$ sudo apt-get install bwm-ng;
yum -y install bwm;
# Show me only plain mode
$ bwm-ng -o plain
bwm-ng v0.6 (delay 0.500s); press 'ctrl-c' to end this
| iface Rx Tx Total
lo: 88803.53 KB/s 88803.53 KB/s 88803.53 KB/s
eth0: 0.13 KB/s 0.13 KB/s 0.13 KB/s
total: 88803.66 KB/s 88803.66 KB/s 88803.66 KB/s
# Show only the interface that i need to see
$ bwm-ng -o plain -I eth0
bwm-ng v0.6 (delay 0.500s); press 'ctrl-c' to end this
| iface Rx Tx Total
eth0: 0.13 KB/s 0.13 KB/s 0.13 KB/s
total: 0.13 KB/s 0.13 KB/s 0.13 KB/s
# Show only in MB format or KB format
# by skiping -d will default show as KB
$ bwm-ng -o plain -d
bwm-ng v0.6 (delay 0.500s); press 'ctrl-c' to end this
/ iface Rx Tx Total
lo: 85.79 MB/s 85.79 MB/s 85.79 MB/s
eth0: 246.58 B/s 246.58 B/s 246.58 B/s
total: 85.79 MB/s 85.79 MB/s 85.79 MB/s
$ bwm-ng -o plain -N -d | grep total:
total: 0.00 B/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 B/s
total: 1.28 MB/s 1.28 MB/s 1.28 MB/s
total: 1.19 MB/s 1.19 MB/s 1.19 MB/s
total: 1.19 MB/s 1.19 MB/s 1.19 MB/s
# another tool i used apt-get install vnstat
# bwm-ng was doing wrong strange on other interfaces but this one
# now showing correct
$ vnstat -u -i lo
$ vnstat -u -i eth0
$ vnstat
$ iftop -i eth0