My understanding is that json-lift supports Option fields out of the box.
Here is a sample object definition:
class TopicModel (
var id: Option[Long],
var name: String,
val slug: String,
var imageUrl: Option[String] )
I then use[Topic](jsonString)
to read the object
If all fields in the incoming JSON are present, deserialization works fine. However, if I omit an Option field:
{"id": "35", "name": "My topic", "slug": "my-slug" /** imageUrl missing */}
object comes back with all fields set to null.
Another interesting fact: this is only a problem when the code is under app directory of the play app. If we put it elsewhere and include as a jar it works just fine.
There is an opinion that this is a problem with Scala 2.8 (we're on Play 1.2.3 / Akka 1.0 and are limited from using latest Scala).
Any help would be appreciated...