@query = Estate.find_by_sql "SELECT(e.name)as Estate_name、g.name as Governmenting_body、" + "(select count()from Stands s where s.estate_id = e.id AND#{filter_estates})as total_stands、 "+"(select e.active from Estates e where e.active = true AND#{filter_estates})as Estate_status、 "+"(select count()from services sp where sp.estate_id = e.id AND#{filter_estates} )as service_providers、 "+"(select count(*)from expected_vendors av where av.estate_id = e.id AND#{filter_estates})as vendors "+" FROM Estates e LEFT JOIN Governmenting_bodies g on e.governing_body_id = g.id AND#{filter_estates} "
(Mysql :: Error:サブクエリは複数の行を返します:SELECT(e.name)as Estate_name、g.name as Governmenting_body、(select count()from Stands s where s.estate_id = e.id AND e.id IS NOT NULL)as total_stands、(select e.active from Estates e where e.active = true AND e.id IS NOT NULL)as Estate_status、(select count()from services sp where sp.estate_id = e.id AND e.id IS NOT NULL)as service_providers、(select count(*)from expected_vendors av where av.estate_id = e.id AND e.id IS NOT NULL)as vendors FROM Estates e LEFT JOIN Governmenting_bodies g on e.governing_body_id = g.id AND e.idはNULLではありません):