VS2010では、同じソリューション内に2つのMVC 2ベースのWebアプリがあり、これらも共通のセットアッププロジェクトを共有しています。1つのアプリは、反対側のアプリでユーザーと変数を設定するための構成ユーティリティです。インストールすると、2つのIISディレクトリはユーザーのブラウザで次のようになります 。App1:http:// localhost / App1 / Auth / Login App2: http:// localhost / App1 / App2 / Auth / Login
/// <summary>
/// Functionality related to Assets
/// </summary>
public class AssetsController : Controller
private IConfig _config = null;
private IProfileRepository _profiles = null;
private IInspectionRepository _inspections = null;
private ICustomLabelsFactory _labels = null;
private IValidateRepository _validator = null;
/// <summary>
/// Create an instance of the AssetsController which uses the db.
/// </summary>
public AssetsController() : this(Config.Current, new ProfileRepository(Config.Current), new InspectionRepository(), new CustomLabelFactory(), new ValidateRepository()) { }
/// <summary>
/// Create an instance of the AssetsController with the given
/// IInspectionRepository implementation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inspections">IInspectionRepository implementation.</param>
public AssetsController(IConfig config, IProfileRepository profiles, IInspectionRepository inspections, ICustomLabelsFactory labels, IValidateRepository validator)
: base()
ViewData["_Module"] = "Assets";
_config = config;
_profiles = profiles;
_profiles.ModelState = ModelState;
_inspections = inspections;
_inspections.ModelState = ModelState;
_labels = labels;
_labels.ModelState = ModelState;
_validator = validator;
_validator.CustomLabels = _labels.Assets;
_validator.ModelState = ModelState;
/// <summary>
/// Handles login/logout functionality
/// </summary>
public class AuthController : Controller
private ILoginService _login;
private IUtilityRepository _utility;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the Auth controller using the default User Repository which
/// uses the database.
/// </summary>
public AuthController() : this(new LoginService(), new UtilityRepository()) { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates the Auth controller with the given User Repository.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="userRepository">IUserRepository implementation.</param>
public AuthController(ILoginService loginService, IUtilityRepository utility)
: base()
ViewData["_Module"] = "Login";
_login = loginService;
_login.ModelState = ModelState;
_utility = utility;
_utility.ModelState = ModelState;