問題タブ [emailrelay]
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linux - Sendmail via Gmail SMTP relay
I'm running a CentOS 7 VM in Google Cloud but having difficulty sending emails out using sendmail. I've followed the below posts and numerous others but the result remains the same, i.e. the mails never reach their destination.
I've used a telnet session to connect to smtp-relay.gmail.com to test it from the server and was able to connect and send a mail, which also reached it's destination.
Please forgive my ignorance, I'm very new to Linux. When I use the mail -v command to send the mail I get the output below.
It gives the message "Message accepted for delivery" at the end, but at the beginning it says connecting to (localhost), should it not instead be connecting to the smtp-relay.gmail.com host I specified in the sendmail.mc and auth / authinfo files' configuration?
According to the /var/log/maillog when I execute those command it's giving the "Message accepted for delivery" like above and the relay is specified as
jakarta-mail - メール中継メールのバウンス対応について
複数の添付ファイルを含むメールを送信し、それらがバウンスされた場合、バウンスされたメールには、それらの添付ファイルに加えて、バウンスされたメール ヘッダーが別の添付ファイルとして含まれます。