問題タブ [xinetd]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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bash - xinetd サービスのスクリプトからの出力を防ぐ

他の処理を行った後に Xvnc を起動する bash スクリプトがあり、xinetd サービスから起動されます。ただし、スクリプトはテキストを stdout および stderr に間接的に出力し、接続しているクライアントに送り返します。

スクリプトからの出力を無視し、Xvnc に接続を引き継がせるように xinetd に指示する方法はありますか?

(Xvnc は、標準出力を使用して xinetd と通信するのではなく、何らかの方法で xinetd からソケットを引き継ぐと思いますか?)

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204 参照

web-services - Are there any known Linux inetd/"wait"-capable web servers with graceful idle shutdown?

I would like to start a web server on-demand as an inetd "tcp/wait" service which shuts itself down after a programmable period of inactivity.

Many web servers already support inetd "tcp/nowait" mode, but this mode has the disadvantage that a new process needs to be forked for every new connection. It is therefore slower and more resource-intensive than running a dedicated server daemon.

A web server supporting inetd's "tcp/wait" would only be launched by inetd for the first request, then serve any number of requests using the same server instance until no requests occurred for some period of idle time, in which case the server instance automatically terminates and lets inetd start it again once the next period of activity starts.

Such a tcp/wait inetd web server should have approximately the same efficiency as a dedicated web server (i. e. running permanently) during times of activity. However, it will automatically shut down in times of inactivity, saving system resources.

Irregular "anti-demand"-driven shutdowns will also clean up any memory leaks from the web server and possibly associated FGCI-services (which would terminate together with the web server).

I know that it is already possible to use systemd's socket activation in combination with lighttpd's -i option to implement what I want.

However, I want a solution that also works without systemd, depending on nothing else than a running Internet superserver no matter how the latter one has been started (inetd/xinetd started by sysvinit, runit, manually, or systemd's socket activation replacing inetd/xinetd).