現在、PDO fetchAll()関数を使用してデータベースからメニューデータを引き出しています。そうすることで、クエリ結果の各行が次の構造の配列に配置されます。
Array (
[0] => Array (
[MenuId] => mmnlinlm08l6r7e8ju53n1f58
[MenuName] => Main Menu
[SectionId] => eq44ip4y7qqexzqd7kjsdwh5p
[SubmenuName] => Salads & Appetizers
[ItemName] => Tomato Salad
[Description] => Cucumbers, peppers, scallions and cured tuna
[Price] => $7.00)
[1] => Array (
[MenuId] => mmnlinlm08l6r7e8ju53n1f58
[MenuName] => Main Menu
[SectionId] => xlkadsj92laada9082lkas
[SubmenuName] => Entrees
[ItemName] => Portabello Carpaccio
[Description] => Dried tomatoes, pin nuts, mahon cheese
[Prices] => $18.00)
Array (
[MenuName] => Main Menu
[MenuId] => mmnlinlm08l6r7e8ju53n1f58
[Section] => Array (
[SectionId] => eq44ip4y7qqexzqd7kjsdwh5p
[SubmenuName] => Salads & Appetizers
[Items] => Array (
[ItemName] => Tomato Salad
[Description] => Cucumbers, peppers, scallions and cured tuna
[Prices] => Array (
[PriceId] => xksjslkajiak1
[Price] => $7.00)
[SectionId] => xlkadsj92laada9082lkas
[SubmenuName] => Entrees
[Items] => Array (
[ItemName] => Portabello Carpaccio
[Description] => Dried tomatoes, pin nuts, mahon cheese
[Prices] => Array (
[PriceId => alkadh29189s09
[Price] = $8.00)