テスト用のコンテキスト マネージャーを作成しました。これは、予想どおりに例外が発生したことを確認し、そうでない場合はAssertionError
. これをテストするための doctest も作成しましたが、doctest が失敗し続け、その理由がよくわかりません。doctest は次のとおりです。
>>> for e in [TypeError, ValueError, KeyError]:
... with assert_raised(TypeError, ValueError):
... print('Raising {}...'.format(e.__name__))
... raise e
Raising TypeError...
Raising ValueError...
Raising KeyError...
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Got 'KeyError', expected 'TypeError, ValueError'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<doctest dtlibs.mock.assert_raised[3]>", line 4, in <module>
raise e
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python32\lib\doctest.py", line 1253, in __run
compileflags, 1), test.globs)
File "<doctest dtlibs.mock.assert_raised[3]>", line 4, in <module>
raise e
File "G:\Projects\Programming\dt-tools\dtlibs\dtlibs\mock.py", line 274, in __exit__
raise self._exception(exc_type.__name__)
AssertionError: Got 'KeyError', expected 'TypeError, ValueError'
実装は重要ではないと思いますが、ここで何か間違ったことをしている場合に備えて (doctest なしで):
class assert_raised:
def __init__(self, *exceptions):
self.exceptions = exceptions
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_type is None:
raise self._exception('None')
elif self.exceptions and exc_type not in self.exceptions:
raise self._exception(exc_type.__name__)
return True
def _exception(self, got):
if len(self.exceptions) == 0:
expected = 'an exception'
expected = ', '.join(e.__name__ for e in self.exceptions)
msg = "Got '{}', expected '{}'".format(got, expected)
return AssertionError(msg)